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Home Zachary J. Davis – Danish Technological Institute

    Zachary J Davis

    Team Manager
    Danish Technological Institute

    Zachary J. Davis has a M.Sc. in Applied Physics and a PhD. in Electrical Engineering, from Denmark Technical University

    Zachary has over 20 years of R&D experience within Nano and Micro ElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS/MEMS), electronic manufacturing, sensor development and testing. Currently Zachary is a Team Manager of the Printed Electronic group at the Centre for Nano Production Micro Analysis at Danish Technological institute (DTI). Zachary is working within development and production of new nanomaterials, nanomaterial based ink formulations and state-of-the-art digital printed electronics. Zachary is also coordinator of the H2020 project LEE-BED.  Zachary has published over 40 peer-review journal publications, over 50 other scientific publications, two book chapters and four patents.

    Zachary J. Davis

    Contributor's Details

    Phone: +45 72202507
    Website: Visit Website