data management
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Over 80% of CDOs surveyed by WBR Insights are investing in data management and machine learning to automate data tasks

Gresham Technologies plc, the leading software and services company that specialises in providing real-time data integrity and control solutions, is delighted to announce the release of WBR Insights Regulation, Innovation, and Digitalisation survey.

Sponsored by Gresham, WBR Insights surveyed 100 Chief Data Officers across Europe to find out the challenges they are facing as the financial sector grapples with a rapid technological revolution and its subsequent new rules.

Survey insights, sponsored by Gresham, include:

  • GDPR is the most complex regulation for over 2/3 of CDOs
  • 36% of respondents are turning to new data management technology for regulatory compliance
  • 52% of financial CDOs surveyed are unaware of all data gaps in their organisation
  • 36% of respondents feel their data governance strategy is inadequate
  • 1/3 of respondents are setting up centres of excellence to institutionalise data innovation
  • Data management and machine learning are the clear winners of investment from respondents, with over 80% setting some of the budget aside for them in the coming two years

“Effective data governance has its roots in data quality and real business improvement,” remarked Chris Bannocks, Group Chief Data Officer of ING. “The strategy should support regulatory requirements whilst enabling business results.”

“With more than 9 out of 10 firms seeing relationships with fintech firms as a crucial part of their innovation roadmap, we expect to see even greater engagement and partnership across our industry in the coming years,” commented Paul White, CMO of Gresham. “As a respected thought leader in enterprise data integrity, Gresham’s aim is to help organisations innovate and be in control of their data. As such, we’re delighted to support FIMA and the information management community with this thought-provoking survey.”

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