CEO Denis Collins, a former global executive with IBM and previous Chair IDA Ireland Regional Development & Board Director, talks to OAG about ActionZero and their patented heat pump technology – the EscoPod
At ActionZero, we produce a patented high temperature, high efficiency heat pump technology called the EscoPod – for industry, healthcare, and difficult to decarbonise commercial applications. We work with organisations across these sectors who are committed to climate action and ready to take definitive steps to reduce their
carbon emissions.
How can ActionZero help the Healthcare & Public Sectors?
The ActionZero EscoPod has been designed specifically to eliminate fossil fuels and carbon emissions from heating and cooling in healthcare buildings including hospitals, nursing, and care homes, as well as difficult to decarbonise buildings such as those often found in the public sector.
The EscoPod will enable these organisations to eliminate fossil fuels and carbon emissions, produce multifunctional outputs for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water, while reducing energy use and costs by up to 70%.
The EscoPod also boasts several unique, high-performance features. For example, it can produce temperatures of 80°C at high efficiency for space heating applications.
In Europe, we just experienced the hottest summer on record, energy bills are soaring, and our gas supply is under siege – time is quite literally up. We must move away from fossil fuels, and we must do it now. That’s the beauty of the EscoPod, it enables the rapid decarbonisation of heating, cooling, and hot water systems…and it does so with minimal disruption.
Typically, heat pump solutions require costly building fabric and mechanical system upgrades (a deep retrofit cost could run upwards of several million pounds depending on the building). The EscoPod however, does not! This point is particularly important for healthcare providers, who cannot afford to shut down operations to upgrade a building. That means significant cost avoidance without any business interruption – allowing healthcare providers to focus on the critical service of patient care.
In this article, you will find a case study on one of our healthcare clients, which clearly illustrates the many significant benefits (including a compelling ROI) to be had.
How important is the decarbonisation of heat, in the delivery of global emissions targets?
According to the International Energy Agency, heating accounts for approximately 50% of energy use globally and up to 40% of global CO2 emissions. I think its very clear that our success, and in fact survival depends heavily on our ability to decarbonise heat – rapidly.
In a recent report, the IEA identified heat pumps as THE central technology in the global transition to secure and sustainable heating. We believe that the EscoPod, is a disruptive game changer for decarbonising heat. And we’re determined to play a leading role in Europe’s transition to a decarbonized economy.
Healthcare case study
Below are the details of a recent ActionZero case study, wherein an EscoPod heat pump solution was installed for a healthcare client in Ireland. Included below is information on the unique challenges facing the client as well the benefits (environmental and commercial) derived from installation.
The case study client
As Ireland’s largest independent hospital group, our client is renowned for the quality of its service provision coupled with a rich tradition in healthcare. With 3,500 staff and 450 leading consultants, the Private Hospital Group treats in excess of 300,000 patients annually in its 5 modern acute hospitals across Ireland. It is one of the largest providers of private healthcare in the country.
ActionZero are currently rolling out the EscoPod AZH (ActionZero’s dedicated heat pump technology for the healthcare industry) across the groups network of hospitals, the first of which was founded in 1921, has approx. 24,500 m2 floor space and can accommodate 130 beds.
The case study challenges
The client needed a solution that would:
- Reduce their dependence on fossil fuels for heating and domestic hot water provision
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Deliver cost savings as well as a strong ROI
Whilst avoiding any disruption to patient care and the costs/disruption that would normally be associated with a building deep ofit.
Finding a solution with ActionZero
The EscoPod AZH
- A multi-functional high-temperature heat pump system the EscoPod AZH_380 was designed and installed, rated at 381kW thermal, 361kW cooling,150kW electrical, and 76kW DHW
- Refrigerant R1234ZE (Ultra Low GWP)
Performance (seasonal coefficient of performance)
Multi-functional outputs and modes of operation with:
- Combined heating & cooling – COP 5.0 • Heating – COP 3.04
- Chilling – COP 2.42
- 2 x heating circuits @ 80°C, 10k delta T returning @ 70°C
- 2 x chilled water circuits (glycol), @ 6°C
- Domestic Hot Water @ 65°C
- Boiler temperature water provided from the EscoPod meant that the customer avoided the need for costly and disruptive building fabric and mechanical system upgrades
- Turnkey project with design, site integration, commissioning, Operations & Maintenance aftercare package, performance validation and reporting via data analytics, without disruption to customer operations.
Understanding ActionZero’s results
- 63% CO2 emissions reduction at site level, a saving of 426t per year • 71% reduction in fossil fuel use, a saving of >2M kWh per year
- 52% reduction in heating cost
- Deep retrofit cost avoidance of several million euro
- IRR 35% with expected ROI in 3.8 years
Tel: +44 (0)204 509 0626

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