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    Demystify the visa and immigration process

    At Holmes & Partners Ltd., we are committed to providing bespoke immigration and visa services that cater uniquely to your individual needs. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to supporting and advising you through every step of your visa application journey

    Whether you are a health and care professional aiming to work in the UK, a graduate looking to move into the sector, a skilled worker seeking to advance your career, or someone seeking indefinite leave to remain or explore new opportunities, our comprehensive services are designed to facilitate your ambitions.

    As a consultancy regulated by the Office for Immigration Services Commissioner, we uphold the highest standards of advice and service. Our expertise extends to a diverse range of clients, including students, parents, schools, businesses, individuals, and families. We understand the complexities of the visa and immigration process and strive to make travel and relocation as seamless as possible for everyone involved.

    Through this e-book, you will gain insightful knowledge into the intricacies of various visa applications, from Health and Care Worker visas and Graduate visas to UK Visitor and Skilled Worker visa applications. We aim to demystify the visa and immigration process, providing clear, step-by-step guides, up-to-date legal information, and practical advice.

    Our goal is to offer services and partner in your journey, ensuring that your path to reaching your goals is smooth and well-informed. Welcome aboard, and let’s navigate the world of immigration together with Holmes & Partners Ltd.

    Services: Health and Care Worker visa

    The Health and Care Worker visa is a specialised pathway designed specifically for medical professionals aspiring to advance their careers in the UK. This visa category offers a unique opportunity for those in the medical field to enter or remain in the UK for employment in an eligible position. Eligible roles encompass a range of opportunities within the National Health Service (NHS), organisations supplying services to the NHS, or in the vital sector of adult social care.

    Key benefits of opting for the Health and Care Worker visa include access to some of the world’s most renowned medical institutions, thereby aligning your professional journey with leading healthcare establishments. The application process for this visa is streamlined and specifically designed to suit the needs of medical professionals, ensuring a smoother transition to working in the UK. This opportunity not only enhances career prospects by elevating professional experiences but also expands the global medical perspective of the applicants.

    Further, this visa allows you to play an integral role in the UK’s world-class healthcare system, making a significant contribution to essential services that directly impact lives. It also offers the chance for cultural and professional integration, where you can immerse yourself in the UK’s rich cultural heritage and collaborate with top-tier medical professionals from diverse backgrounds.

    At Holmes & Partners Ltd., we recognise the importance of each step in your journey towards obtaining a Health and Care Worker visa. Our team is committed to providing comprehensive guidance throughout the application process, ensuring that every requirement is meticulously addressed.

    Eligibility criteria for a Health and Care Worker visa

    To be eligible for a Health and Care Worker visa, applicants must fulfil the following requirements:

    • Professional Qualification and Job Role:
      • Applicants should be qualified healthcare or adult social care professionals. The job role must be among those recognised as eligible health or social care professions by the Home Office.
    • Employment by a UK-sanctioned employer:
      • A job offer is required from a UK employer whom the Home Office approves. This employer will issue a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ detailing the specifics of the role offered.
    • Salary Thresholds:
      • The minimum salary requirement varies according to the specific healthcare profession. Our team at Holmes & Partners Ltd. can assist you in understanding the salary criteria relevant to your professional field.
    • English Language Proficiency:
      • Applicants must demonstrate their ability to speak, read, write, and understand English. Proof of English language skills is typically a part of the application process.

    It’s important to note that alternative visa options may be available if you do not meet these criteria. At Holmes & Partners Ltd., we are committed to exploring all potential pathways to ensure you find a visa solution that aligns with your qualifications and circumstances.

    Visa duration and extension for Health and Care Workers

    Upon approval, the Health and Care Worker visa is valid for up to five years. Before the expiration of your visa, you have the option to apply for an extension or to update your visa. This is applicable in situations such as changing jobs or employers. At Holmes & Partners Ltd., we specialise in facilitating visa extensions, ensuring that you continuously meet the UK immigration regulations throughout your stay.

    Pathway to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)

    After completing five years on a Health and Care Worker visa, you may become eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, allowing for permanent residency. Obtaining ILR enables you to live, work, and study in the UK and, where applicable, access certain public benefits.

    Our team at Holmes & Partners Ltd. possesses the expertise to assist you through applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain. We offer comprehensive guidance on meeting the requirements and support you in navigating the application process to achieve your goal of permanent settlement in the UK.

    Supplementary employment

    Notably, there has been a significant relaxation in the regulations for Health and Care visa holders regarding supplementary employment. The previous restriction has been lifted, which capped additional work hours at 20 hours per week. Now, qualified professionals holding this visa can engage in extra work related to their primary employment role without the need to notify the Home Office. This change provides greater flexibility and opportunities for UK Health and Care visa professionals.

    Upcoming changes to the Health and Care Worker visa

    Please be aware that from Spring 2024, a critical amendment will be implemented regarding the Health and Care Worker visa. This change stipulates that dependant family members will no longer be permitted to accompany visa holders to the UK. This is a significant shift from the previous regulations and underscores the importance for prospective applicants to remain updated on the latest immigration policies. At Holmes & Partners Ltd., we are committed to providing you with the most current information and guidance to ensure your application process is smooth and compliant with these new regulations.

    Skilled Worker visa:

    The Skilled Worker visa permits individuals to enter or remain in the UK for employment in a qualifying role with an accredited employer. This visa category has succeeded the former Tier 2 (General) work visa.

    The Skilled Worker visa offers many benefits for individuals seeking employment opportunities in the UK. One of the primary advantages of this visa is the access it provides to a wide range of eligible job roles with approved employers across the UK. This broad spectrum of opportunities makes it an attractive option for various professionals.

    Another significant benefit of the Skilled Worker visa is its potential pathway to long-term residency and permanent settlement in the UK. This aspect particularly appeals to those looking to establish a prolonged or permanent residence in the country. In addition to individual benefits, this visa supports family unity by allowing visa holders to bring their family members, such as spouses and dependent children, to live with them in the UK.

    Moreover, Skilled Worker visa holders enjoy access to public services in the UK. They are entitled to use the National Health Service (NHS) and can enrol their children in UK educational institutions, which substantially benefits families. The visa also offers employment flexibility, permitting holders to switch jobs or employers, given that the new role meets the visa’s eligibility criteria and is with an approved employer.

    Lastly, the Skilled Worker visa provides the stability of a long-term stay. Generally, up to five years before renewal is required. This duration allows for significant career development and long-term planning opportunities in the UK. However, it’s important to note that to avail of these benefits, applicants must fulfil certain criteria, including having a job offer from an approved employer, meeting the English language requirements, and earning an appropriate salary.

    Eligibility requirements for a Skilled Worker visa

    To be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa, an applicant must fulfil specific criteria:

    • Employment with an Approved UK Employer:
      • The applicant must be offered a position by a UK employer recognised and licensed by the Home Office as a sponsor.
    • Certificate of Sponsorship:
      • Possession of a Certificate of Sponsorship from the employer is crucial. This document should detail the role the applicant is set to undertake.
    • Eligible Occupation:
      • The job must be listed among the eligible occupations. Applicants are encouraged to consult with our team for a detailed and comprehensive list of these occupations.
    • Salary Requirements:
      • The role should offer a minimum salary of £26,200 per year (correct at the time of printing) or the standard rate for that specific job, whichever is higher. Please note the minimum salary threshold will increase to £38,700 per year from the 4th April 2024.
    • English Language Proficiency:
      • Applicants must demonstrate their ability to speak, read, write, and understand English. Proof of English language skills is required.
    • Family Members:
      • It is possible to include partners or dependent children, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. This visa route can potentially lead to settlement in the UK, and our team is available to offer further advice on this matter.

    Applying for a Skilled Worker visa

    Applications for a Skilled Worker visa should be submitted up to three months before the applicant’s intended start date in the UK, as indicated on their Certificate of Sponsorship. The application process requires the following documentation:

    • Certificate of Sponsorship reference number.
    • Evidence of English language proficiency.
    • A valid passport.
    • Details of the job title and annual salary.
    • The occupation code of the job.
    • Employer’s name and their sponsor licence number (available on the Certificate of Sponsorship).
    • Additional documents may be required, including:
      • Proof of financial means or personal savings.
      • Proof of relationship with dependents, if applicable.
    • Tuberculosis test results for applicants from certain countries.
    • A criminal record certificate for specific job roles.
    • An ATAS certificate for research in sensitive subjects at a PhD level or higher
    • A UK PhD certificate or an Ecctis reference number (formerly the UK NARIC reference number).

    What you can and cannot do on a Skilled Worker visa

    Individuals holding a Skilled Worker visa in the UK have specific permissions and restrictions to adhere to. They are permitted to work in a job that qualifies under this visa, pursue further education, engage in additional employment under certain conditions, volunteer, travel outside the UK and return, and apply for settlement if they meet the eligibility criteria. However, there are important restrictions. Visa holders are not entitled to claim most benefits or the state pension. Moreover, they can only change their job or employer if they have successfully applied to update their current visa, ensuring it reflects their new employment situation. These guidelines are essential for maintaining the validity of the Skilled Worker visa.

    A summary of the key upcoming changes

    • Minimum Salary Threshold Increase:
      • One of the most notable changes is the increase in the minimum salary threshold for Skilled Worker visas. Currently set at £26,200, it will rise to £38,700 in April 2024. This substantial increase ensures that migrant workers are not underpaid compared to their UK counterparts. However, healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, care workers, and those on national pay scales, such as teachers, are exempt from this increase.
    • Shortage Occupation List (SOL) Modifications:
      • The SOL, which previously allowed a 20% discount on the minimum salary for certain roles, will be replaced by the Immigration Salary List (ISL). The new ISL will have fewer qualifying roles, and the Migration Advisory Committee is tasked with reviewing and advising on the occupations to be included.
    • Transitional Measures for Existing Skilled Workers:
      • Those already in the UK on a Skilled Worker visa before these changes take effect will be exempt from the new minimum salary threshold when changing employers, extending their visa, or applying for settlement. However, their pay is expected to progress at the same rate as resident workers.
    • Increase in Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS):
      • The IHS will increase for applications submitted on or after 6 February 2024. The surge in the IHS, from £624 to £1,035 per year, aims to reflect the cost of using the NHS.
    To read and download the full eBook ‘Demystify the visa and immigration process’