Earth Day 2024: The fight against plastic pollution

Earth day 2024 concept
image: @DOERS | iStock

On April 22nd, millions around the world will join together for Earth Day 2024, under the initiative of “Planet vs. Plastics” to combat the escalating crisis of plastic pollution

Led by, this year’s theme is a call for a 60% reduction in global plastic production by 2040, aiming to lead the way towards a future free from plastic waste.

Credit: Openaccessgov @instgram
Credit: Openaccessgov @instgram

Planet VS Plastic

Plastic pollution is becoming a global concern, with more than 380 million tons thrown out annually, and production rates increasing. Despite growing awareness, the vast majority of plastics, over 95% in the United States alone, end up discarded and unrecycled, worsening the cycle of environmental harm.

The impact of plastics goes beyond litter, with it affecting our food, water, and air. As plastics break down into microplastics, they leach toxic chemicals, threatening human and wildlife health.

100 billion plastic beverage containers were sold in the U.S. last year alone

Earth Day 2024’s aim for stopping plastic pollution’s agenda outlines key actions to tackle this crisis. Firstly, they advocate for swift public awareness campaigns to highlight the consequences of plastic pollution on biodiversity and human health. is also pushing for immediate policy changes. They call for a complete phase-out of single-use plastics by 2030.

The organisation also targets the fashion industry’s dependency on plastics, emphasising the need for sustainable alternatives.

Central to this year’s Earth Day is a focus on innovation. highlights the importance of investing in transformative technologies and materials to build a plastic-free world. By using innovation, the organisation looks to disrupt current patterns of plastic consumption and production.

Credit: Openaccessgov @instgram

Tackling plastic pollution together

Beyond policy and technology, Earth Day 2024 encourages collective action, prompting people to organise clean-up events, reduce personal plastic use, and advocate for systemic change.

As climate change intensifies and biodiversity declines, plastic pollution is a crucial environmental and health threat.’s “Planet vs. Plastics” initiative represents a call for global solidarity and action’s to safeguard our planet’s future.

To learn more about Earth Day 2024 and join the movement for a plastic-free future, visit EARTHDAY.ORG’s website. 


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