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Home Asia Analysis April 2024

    Asia Analysis April 2024

    Welcome to Asia Analysis, April 2024! We hope you had a wonderful Easter, and we welcome you to this enticing Spring volume. Asia Analysis is a policy-driven publication with fascinating editorial and research content

    For instance, our regular contributing expert, Prof Dr Preethi Kesavan, Head of the School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media at LSBF Singapore, examines scientific progress and innovation in Asia from a regional perspective. In this editorial, she considers the broad range of Asian scientific disciplines and innovation centres and how they contribute to the research world.

    Sustainable agriculture, a key component of building a sustainable global economy, is spotlighted. As the world’s population continues to grow, governments worldwide are increasingly focused on ensuring food security. Aarthi Janakiraman, Global Research Director at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, shares her insights in this editorial, where we discover that food availability must rise by at least 65-75% to feed the world’s growing population within the next 25 years.

    In one of our research profiles, we hear from Emi Sugawara, Professor at Osaka University of Economics and Law, Faculty of International Studies, who examines business and human rights in Japan, charting the progress and challenges in corporate initiatives. This final chapter assesses the current state of initiatives among Japanese corporations.

    In addition, Professor Ken Naitoh from Waseda University in Japan outlines a specific cross-cutting carbon-neutral strategy for mitigating climate and global warming, which he believes will ultimately lead to a more harmonious world.

    In conclusion, Professor Shaw-Ruey Lyu from Tzu-Chi University in Taiwan tells us how the discovery of the medial abrasion phenomenon as a cause of knee osteoarthritis has changed how it is best treated.

    Stay with us for more in-depth analysis of policy and research topics in future insightful issues.