Home Cryogenic technologies for precision tactical and space applications

    Cryogenic technologies for precision tactical and space applications

    Through expertise in Joule-Thomson cryogenic coolers, linear Stirling cycle cryocoolers and compressors and extensive knowledge of long life stored energy technologies, Honeywell offers customers an integrated solution for their cooling requirements. From our dedicated cryogenic facility, we provide a bespoke manufacturing service and a responsive aftercare infrastructure to support through the lifecycle of the product.


    Joule-Thomson (J-T) coolers remain the simplest, lightest and easiest technology for cryogenic cooling across a wide range of IR sensor applications, employed in numerous global missile programmes such as, Javelin, StormShadow and ASRAAM. They provide rapid, accurate cooling, within tight space envelopes. We offer a variety of J-T coolers that can optimise gas consumption, resulting in more efficient operation. Complimentary to this are our stored energy products that provide fuel for the J-T coolers and can utilise a variety of gas species, dependant on requirement, throughout their typically extensive 25 year life cycle. These gas systems can often include various gas management ancillaries that control flow rates under varying ambient pressures (altitudes), temperatures and other complex environmental requirements often akin to tactical/airborne applications.

    What this ultimately provides is a complete solution for cooling, gas supply and management of gases for the intended application regardless of the environmental complexities customers are often faced with.