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Home University of Greenwich: The ESRC HIVE-PED Seminar Series

    University of Greenwich: The ESRC HIVE-PED Seminar Series

    The ESRC funded Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) research seminar series has organised and delivered nine expert seminars and two conferences during 2013-16, with a focus on research findings on parity, progression and social mobility in England, but including also comparative international perspectives.


    The ESRC seminars project is led by Professor Jill Jameson of the University of Greenwich, Centre for Leadership and Enterprise in the Faculty of Education and Health.


    Professor Jameson is supported by HIVE-PED researchers Hugh Joslin and Sharon Smith, and Co-Investigators Professor Patrick Ainley of Greenwich, Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker, University of Birmingham, Professor Kevin Orr, Huddersfield University, and Dr Natasha Kersh, UCL Institute of Education, University College London.

    What’s an ‘ESRC HIVE-PED’ when it’s at home?

    You may well ask. Well, it’s not a beehive on a bicycle or even a hired pedometer! It is, in fact, a three year UK educational research seminars project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) on Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED).

    The ESRC Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) seminar series has organised and delivered nine expert research seminars and two conferences during 2013-16, with a focus on parity, progression and social mobility in England. Events have been co-organised and delivered by the University of Greenwich with the Universities of Birmingham, Huddersfield, Wolverhampton, Birkbeck, University of London, the ULC Institute of Education, King’s College London, City & Guilds, Linking London and London Councils.

    The HIVE-PED partnership includes professorial, academic, policy-making and user representatives from the UK nations, European and international partners, including colleagues from the USA, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. The academic strategic planning group chaired by Professor Jill Jameson includes academics from the UCL Institute of Education, the University of Birmingham, the University of Huddersfield, Birkbeck, King’s College London and Southampton, Sheffield, Warwick and Wolverhampton Universities.