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Home FinnFusion: advancing fusion research in Finland

    FinnFusion: advancing fusion research in Finland

    The FinnFusion Consortium outlines how fusion energy could be a potential energy source in Finland and be the key to the country becoming carbon neutral

    Finland has outlined an ambitious plan to become carbon neutral by 2045, years before the deadline set out by the Paris Climate Agreement. Through phasing out coal in the next decade, increasing the use of biofuels in transport, and halving the use of oil and other fossil fuels in the 2020s, the country hopes to become one of the first to reach this lofty ambition and set an example of what can be achieved.

    A potential alternative source of energy like in fusion power. The FinnFusion Consortium aims to nurture expertise and research in the field, ensuring Finland’s position as a respected European partner in fusion energy allows them to bring in the best knowledge and technology available in Europe.

    By directing their focus to power plant analysis and remote handling research and development, FinnFusion aims to lead experiments in existing research centres and make the best use of synergising fusion and fission research. By adapting existing skills relating to nuclear fields and other energy sources, FinnFusion can develop a network of fusion experts.

    Networking is perhaps the most emphasised goal of the company. With Finland’s position as a respected European partner, they have access to international expertise and breakthroughs taking place across the continent. Collaboration within the company and with other energy sectors and exploitation of current EU research funding is the key to their development, according to Dr Tuomas Tala.

    Clean, alternative energy sources are considered an essential weapon in tackling climate change by most organisations. Nuclear Fusion is a Co2 neutral form of energy, with a reduced level of radioactivity compared to traditional nuclear power. By fusing atomic nuclei and creating energy in the process, fusion utilises the same energy process as the sun.  Still, in its early stages, fusion energy requires further development to become a competitor in the energy sector. FinnFusion has outlined their strategy for assuring the future of fusion energy, through competitive research and international networking.