North America Analysis
Home Innovating Healthcare – Embracing the Future

    Innovating Healthcare – Embracing the Future

    Hitachi’s Smart Digital Diabetes Prevention solution helps to builds up a detailed picture of patient engagement throughout their time with the digital service, as this analysis details. We also find out about the acute strain that Type 2 diabetes has placed on today’s healthcare budgets

    By way of background, we find out that the rising global prevalence of Type 2 diabetes has placed an acute strain on healthcare budgets, attracting the attention of U.S. and UK policy-makers. We also discover that Hitachi’s diabetes prevention journey began in 2010 when the company developed its first digitally-enabled service to support its employees in meeting their wellness goals.

    Hitachi’s Smart Digital Diabetes Prevention solution captures cohort data, building up a detailed picture of patient needs, including clinical (weight, types of blood, waist circumference, BMI) and demographic data (age, gender, geographical location, ethnic group etc).

    Hitachi’s Smart Digital Diabetes Prevention offering, has many benefits, such as access to a reliable source of real-time insights that can empower stakeholders to take appropriate and timely actions which help them improve delivery against their respective goals. In addition, frontline staff can leverage intelligence in real-time as they deliver the service to their patients.

    Looking to the future, we discover that Hitachi’s solution is geared to help support future commissioning decision-making at both the population and cohort-level. The solution is also designed to help personalise services to the presenting needs and preferences of the patients, and to enable health advisors to respond to identified patient needs.

    Finally, Hitachi’s experience and knowledge in data analytics, data science, user-led design and digital solution design make them ideally placed to work with partners and clients to leverage technological developments in the nascent machine learning (ML) space. Feel free to browse this analysis and contact them at or +44 (0)20 7842 7800 to learn more.