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Home Diabetes innovation in healthcare: Embracing the future with technology

    Diabetes innovation in healthcare: Embracing the future with technology

    Hitachi Consulting turns the spotlight onto diabetes, that affects 2.8 million people in the UK, a figure that is set to increase to 4 million by 2025. In addition, they reveal the vital role that innovation and technology play in addressing diabetes

    The recent analysis by Diabetes UK identified that 2.8 million people in the UK have type 2 diabetes and this is set to increase to 4 million by 2025, we find out. Having said this, during the past decade, there have been significant improvements in prevention models, coupled with a change in both mindset and policy across healthcare systems.

    While the problem is evidently too large for one solution or organisation to address, part of the answer lies with Hitachi’s Smart Digital Diabetes Prevention product, we discover. This leverages the collective experience and innovation in technology and clinically-led prevention of the firm and their NHS partners in both the Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Salford Clinical Commissioning Group.

    One of the areas explored here by Hitachi Consulting is improved support for individuals to make and sustain lifestyle changes, with a support network around them. Part of this is that health professionals build trust with individuals and work with them to determine achievable lifestyle changes to improve health outcomes. Another important aspect is education, something that provides individuals with another vital element of support, we discover.

    An additional area discussed here is the exponential growth in the capability and number of consumer and medical-grade connected devices during recent years. This has been a good thing because it has led to improved access, usability and affordability, we learn. Indeed, smartphones, tablets, watches, scales and other such technology have become smarter, embedding sensors and innovative means to increase user interaction and intelligence.

    One of the concerns around technology today is data privacy, but having said that, Hitachi Consulting explain that the integration of connected devices and advanced analytics does provide a basis for longer-term remote observation, not only to contribute towards a better evidence base for sustainability but also to provide a mechanism for proactive intervention when it comes to diabetes.

    We also are told about the prevalence of type 2 diabetes specifically, which has been on the rise globally. Added to this, those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are at a significant risk of progressing to other long-term chronic conditions, such as coronary heart disease, chronic kidney disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    I hope you enjoy reading about the many valuable insights that this thought-provoking analysis offers.