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Home July 2021 Asia Analysis

    July 2021 Asia Analysis

    Welcome to the July 2021 edition of Asia Analysis. In this edition, we hear from Minghui Zhang, Head of Section and Benoit Nguyen, Head of Department at DNV, who describe Asia’s renewable energy future, in India, Thailand, Malaysia and many other countries

    Elsewhere, Open Access Government charts the priorities of Japan’s Aerospace Exploration Agency when it comes to scientific understanding and technological development towards sustainable human space exploration.

    Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology stresses the importance of being a world leader in science and technology. Open Access Government finds out why. We also explore the priorities of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to support excellent young researchers, both nationally and internationally.

    The stimulating content does not stop there. Why not read the piece by our regular contributor Aarthi JanakiRaman from Frost & Sullivan, about biofertilizers and how they are a sustainable way ahead for agriculture? Another expert in their field, Professor Dr Apichart Vanavichit, Director at the Rice Science Center says now is the right time to look for new approaches to turn rainbow rice leaves into future foods for our well-being.

    I hope you gain a tremendous amount from these and other compelling articles in this volume of Asia Analysis. Please stay with us for future publications, where our discussions about the region of Asia continue.