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    Lifescience Legal Design

    Here, Lifescience Legal Design discuss the legal status of CBD and hemp in the European Union

    Hemp has been used for a variety of things, for hundreds of years. However, with the CBD renaissance that is happening across the globe, the legal regulation of hemp plants and their resultant materials is a constantly relevant question.

    Where do you go to find clear answers? The EU – UK relationship is evolving, the US administration is readying itself for possible change and COVID-19 is on the minds of policymakers everywhere. But throughout this, the production and use of CBD and hemp continue.

    There are significant questions around the possibility of the EU being brought in line with the US, in terms of The Common Agricultural Policy, in addition not the fate of low-THC products and individual country classification. One product could be a cosmetic, novel food or medicine depending on the country that it finds itself in. With a pervasive atmosphere of uncertainty, it is crucial to remember the foundations of regulation.

    Experts in the field can give us an insight and project what the future looks like for anybody working in the production and sale of such products. Lifescience Legal Design have compiled a comprehensive outline of the existing legislation so that you can access this vital information in one place.

    Read their answers to all of your questions, here.