Home North America Analysis April 2022

    North America Analysis April 2022

    We embrace Spring 2022 with our April volume of North America Analysis, packed with insightful editorial and profile features

    We hear from Robert Dysiewicz, World Biogas Association Advisory Council Member, who discusses how the transition to a new era of waste management will align with a circular economy. “It is now well understood that moving to a circular economy promises to preserve our planet’s precious resources, minimise waste and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” the author writes.

    In a piece authored by Open Access Government, we underline some important research priorities in the field of neuroscience. Why not read about how advancing neuroscience research improves the quality of life for all people with neurological disorders, and ultimately can prevent or cure these diseases?

    We also hear from Jonathan McGrath, Senior Policy Analyst, National Institute of Justice, Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences, who reveals how forensic science research is strengthening the fair and impartial administration of justice. I commend the piece to you very highly.

    And regular contributor David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, highlights agricultural innovation and its challenges, including how the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture is supporting this policy area. The article includes comment on the challenge of food security as we think about the United Nations ambition to achieve zero hunger by 2030.

    As part of our Canada focus, we explore the health priorities of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and how these are achieved through their 13 institutes. CIHR, we discover, was created in 2000 as an independent funding agency to provide leadership & support to health researchers & trainees across Canada.

    Please do stay with us for many more compelling policy insights in 2022 and beyond.