North America Analysis
Home North America Analysis January 2023

    North America Analysis January 2023

    We welcome 2023 with our brand-new volume of North America Analysis. We hear from Dr Nora Volkow, Director of the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, who highlights five areas where “more research” isn’t needed to curb the overdose crisis

    “…But more research is needed” is often the refrain in science, including addiction research, Dr Volkow reveals. “In the science-to-medicine pipeline, there is a point when a body of evidence is so well-established that to not put the science into action would be an abdication of responsibility,” the author adds.

    Elsewhere, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, explain the impact of suicide and suicidal behavior. Suicide is preventable, and no lives should be lost to it, but help is available to everyone we hear.

    In our analysis, we examine how the U.S. is building a stronger foundation for a healthier future – one in which every American can attain its total health and wellness potential. In particular, we discover how Assistant Secretary of Health Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD, uses her position and visibility to address a variety of inequities in healthcare while also serving as a role model for the LGBTQ+ community, especially young people.

    Following a few pieces that give us time to pause for thought, we enjoy the comments of Cristina Querzè, Human Resources Director, Sales and Western Europe at Vertiv, who explores why ensuring inclusion and diversity in STEM industries needs to begin with education.

    As part of our digital transformation focus, Ann Schlemmer, CEO of Percona, discusses the future of open source in 2023, including why platforms will matter more.

    Regular writer David Green, Executive Director at the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, provides two pieces. First, we are told that conserving water is essential to feeding the world. Second, he explores the reality of U.S. approaches to animal welfare.

    Finally, our Canada section boasts a detailed piece from the Society for Integrative Oncology about how integrative oncology is transforming cancer care. I commend this article to you, not to mention the remainder of this intellectually stimulating and packed January edition.