North America Analysis
Home North America Analysis July 2023

    North America Analysis July 2023

    Welcome to our North America Analysis’ Summer edition, where you can find a wealth of insights from subject-matter experts in the region

    We hear from Nancy La Vigne, PhD, Director of the National Institute of Justice in the United States, who shares perspectives on how the Institute advances justice across the nation and beyond, strengthening the scientific tools and discoveries that support justice system stakeholders.

    Elsewhere, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service speak about the coming of Lacey Act Phase VII to show how the USDA combats the trafficking of illegally taken plants.

    We also welcome regular contributor David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, who, this time, sheds light on sustainable food systems, mirror clauses and their meaning.

    Open Access Government, in one of their journalistic pieces, examines why research on immune system disorders is critical to improving patient outcomes. The immune system is the body’s natural defence against antigens such as bacteria and viruses, but in some cases, it can malfunction. We explore the prevalence of immune system disorders, the associated unmet medical needs, and therapeutic research.

    In another piece, we lift the lid on the work of one of America’s oldest physical science laboratories, focussing on their quantum information science research work. The National Institute of Standards and Technology, within the U.S. Department of Commerce, began in 1901 and continues to create vital measurement solutions and advances just standards.

    From Canada, we are thrilled to welcome The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Canada’s Minister responsible for Sport, who shares her vision for a safe and accountable sport system where Canadian athletes from all walks of life can thrive.

    Further in, Kamal Khera, Canada’s Minister of Seniors, looks at how Canada’s aging population is being supported, for example, by raising the bar regarding long-term care homes.

    I hope you enjoy consulting our bumper edition for Summer 2023 and join us for many more during the other seasons of each year.