North America Analysis
Home North America Analysis May 2017

    North America Analysis May 2017

    Welcome to this summer edition of Open Access Government – North America Analysis. In this supplement we highlight several articles from organisations within the U.S and Canada.

    We focus on topics such as healthcare, the environment and energy, highlighting a couple from each country.

    The U.S section starts with an interview with Dr Percy Ivy of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). The interview outlines the importance of clinical trials within cancer research and the NCI’s National Cancer Programme. Gynaecologic health and research is also highlighted in a feature by Lisa Halvorson of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), NIH. Halvorson answers our questions about why gynaecologic health is important and the target areas of research for the institute.

    We also shed light on agricultural production in the U.S and the importance of pest control. An article from Chris Bentley at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), USDA explains why research must continue to protect crops from pests and insects. Other articles from General Fusion and the Canadian Nuclear Association detail the opportunities provided by fusion energy and its potential as an energy source.

    In the Canada section, Carrie Bourassa, Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), Institute of Aboriginal People’s Health writes about the issue of poor health among Indigenous communities and how research is key to tackling it.

    We also look at Cancer research in Canada, with an article from Rob Nuttall and Shawn Chirrey of the Canadian Cancer Society. The article outlines how fighting the disease requires ongoing support for research and screening. We also look at how Health Minister, Jane Philpott aims to improve the lives of Canadians through the governments Health Accord Plan.

    Further thought is given to renewable energy sources in Canada. Minister for Natural Resources, Jim Carr, sets out in his article how Canada’s clean energy strategy is charting a clear course by accelerating the transition to renewables. The article highlights how Canada is increasingly focused on developing renewable energy resources, as well as oil and gas.

    We do hope that you find this North America Analysis thought provoking and useful and as always we welcome any comments you may have.