North America Analysis
Home North America Analysis October 2022

    North America Analysis October 2022

    We enter Winter 2022 with our particular October volume of North America Analysis, crammed with insightful policy articles

    We hear from the Chief of the Bacterial Diseases Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Paul S. Mead, MD, MPH, who walks us through a growing health problem in the United States, tickborne diseases.

    Prof Wendy M. Purcell, Academic Research Scholar, kindly provides an update on COVID-19, communicable disease and immunology. We have learned much about COVID-19 and vaccines, but how much do we know about long-COVID? Wendy provides the answers!

    Health research and innovation in Canada

    We also hear from The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of the Government of Canada, who writes about developing Canadian Leadership and excellence in science, innovation and artificial intelligence. With investment in these areas, the Minister believes that any challenge can be tackled and a better tomorrow created “where everyone has a real and fair chance at success”.

    Staying in Canada, we discover something about the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), a Canadian healthcare research investment agency that collaborates with partners to innovate health improvements.

    Food production for our health

    In an in-depth feature, Eric Coronel, Director of Sustainability at the American Peanut Council, comments on efficient peanut production in the U.S., where growers provide a nutritious, safe, and resource-efficient crop each season.

    Elsewhere, our regular contributor Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group urges us to rethink the serious leisure perspective. In another piece, she lifts the lid on predictive toxicology evolving from in vivo to in vitro to in silico systems, starting with a look at organoids & organ-on-chip microfluidic devices.

    Please stay with us for many more North American policy insights in the future.