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Home PEGASO – Fit for Future

    PEGASO – Fit for Future

    The PEGASO team explain the challenges to healthcare obesity represents and how the Fit for Future project aims to tackle them

    In this insightful e-book, Giuseppe Andreoni and Maria Renata Guarneri, on behalf of the PEGASO project team, explain how obesity represents big challenges to healthcare in today’s world. They argue that this is especially true in the western world, where the related costs amount to about 8% and on the rise.

    More specifically childhood obesity is a predictive factor for obesity in adulthood and an indicator of high-risk for the insurgence of related pathologies such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic diseases, and sleep disorders, as the authors go on to reveal.

    Some of the key figures shared in this e-book on obesity make for startling reading. For example, we learn that worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. Also, in 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight.

    One of the most thought-provoking aspects of this e-book is that if current trends continue – the number of overweight or obese infants and young children globally will increase to 70 million by 2025.

    We also find out about the PEGASO Project, which involves implementing innovative mobile solutions for prevention in health care, thanks to the development of a multi-dimensional and cross-disciplinary ICT system. This includes game mechanics to influence behaviours to fight and prevent obesity in the younger population, by encouraging them to become co-producers of their wellness and take an active role in improving it.

    This e-book then explains the challenges facing the Italian healthcare system and the need for an evidence-based approach in this vein. We learn that the Italian Minister for Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, has been faced with many controversial issues since she came to the position in 2003. In recent years, vaccines have become a big issue in central Europe, particularly in Italy. We also find out more about the emphasis on pushing scientific fact over public opinion, which extends beyond the Italian government’s vaccination legislation.

    I trust that you enjoy reading this in-depth and informative e-book.