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Home Targeted drugs: Improving the lives of cancer patients

    Targeted drugs: Improving the lives of cancer patients

    On Target Laboratories’ Dr Sumith A. Kularatne shares his research into targeted drugs and notes the difference this treatment makes to cancer patients

    Cancer is a major health challenge that can affect anyone of us at any time in our lives. Current research suggests that 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. The National Cancer Institute in the U.S estimated that in 2016, 1,685,210 new cases of the disease would be diagnosed. However, despite that the number of people living beyond cancer diagnosis reached nearly 14.5 million in 2014, and is expected to rise further to almost 19 million in 2024.

    Dr Sumith A. Kularatne, Vice President of Research and Development at On Target Laboratories LLC is a world class researcher and he has made it his mission to improve the lives of cancer patients worldwide. Using his diverse skills, which range from medicinal, and organic chemistry, cancer, biology and biochemistry, Dr. Kularatne has been able to solve problems from a multidisciplinary approach to discover better therapies with higher efficacy.

    This ebook outlines Dr. Kularatne’s work and his unique and ground-breaking approach to solving problems associated with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Throughout his research career, Dr. Kularatne has been dedicated to developing target-imaging agents, diagnostic methods, and therapeutic agents for cancers, such as prostate, ovarian, lung, breast and leukaemia.

    Dr. Kularatne’s scientific efforts have resulted in 6 drug candidate in human clinical trials with multiple companies, over 50 US and foreign issued/pending patents and over 30-peer-reviewed publication. He has also given multiple invited seminars/lectures in prestigious international and national conferences, as well as in universities and industries.  As President Thomas Jefferson once said, Dr. Kularatne believes that, “health holds a very important role in one’s life. “Liberty is the collective body, what health is to every individual body…Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man… without liberty no happiness can be enjoyed by society.”