Six in ten people in the education sector feel lonely, says British Red Cross

education sector lonely
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The latest report from the British Red Cross has revealed that 60% of people working in the education sector either always or often feel lonely

Of the 4000 UK adults surveyed, 30% of people working in the education sector said they don’t have colleagues they feel close enough to talk to about their problems to.

The findings of the research suggest a lack of meaningful social connections could be contributing to people’s feelings of loneliness and isolation in the Education sector.

The report found:

  • Over a third (36%) of people say they often feel alone, like they have no one to turn to
  • Well over two fifths (45%) of those who do have people they feel close to or can rely on say those people live far away from them
  • 14% don’t have friends they feel close to or can talk to

The survey also found that of those in the Education sector who felt lonely:

  • Almost six in ten (59%) said their loneliness is having a negative impact on their life, and 56% worry their loneliness will get worse
  • Over two thirds (67%) often feel completely alone when surrounded by people
  • Over a quarter (27%) of people said they have no strategies for coping with their loneliness

Zoë Abrams, Executive Director of Communications and Advocacy at British Red Cross said: “Loneliness and social isolation doesn’t discriminate.  Life circumstances can change in the blink of an eye, meaning it can happen to anyone, no matter your age or background.

“We all need someone to turn to in a crisis, but the findings of our research suggest that there are many people in our communities feeling they lack meaningful, human connections.  This will be concerning for all of us to hear, no matter where we live in the UK, or with whom.

“Every one of us would want someone to reach out to us if we found ourselves all alone. People who need our help may be closer than we think, and could feel much more connected if we offer them our kindness.

“The British Red Cross is there every day, helping people connect with their communities. A donation this winter could help ensure we continue this vital work supporting those most vulnerable.”

Last year the British Red Cross supported over 291,600 people in crisis across the UK giving them someone they could turn to in their hour of need.

The charity is calling on everyone to show their kindness this winter, by helping the Red Cross to continue supporting those most in need so they don’t feel alone.

To tackle the UK’s loneliness crisis, Teresa May launched the first ‘Loneliness Startegy’ this year.

The initiative is known as ‘social prescribing’ and allows GP’s to refer their patients to community workers and voluntary services tailored to support and improve the well being of their patients.

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