ERC sets Horizon 2020 budget of €1.8bn for 2017

The European Research Council has announced its annual funding budget for 2017 under Horizon 2020 will stand at €1.8bn…

Last month the European Commission announced the research and innovation budget for its flagship programme Horizon 2020 (H2020) would stand at €8.5bn during 2017. The announcement was made following an update to the Work Programme of H2020—the funding scheme of the programme.

Now, the European Research Council (ERC) has revealed its budget for Horizon 2020 programmes will stand at €1.8bn.

The ERC aims to fund frontier research across Europe and has now published its annual work programme, as defined by the ERC Scientific Council and recently adopted by the commission.

The funding forms part of Horizon 2020’s first pillar—Scientific Excellence—and is the highest amount ever made available since the ERC launched in 2007.

It is estimated the funding will help support around 1,070 new grants during 2017. Some 6,500 post-docs, PhD students, and other members are expected to be involved in these research projects.

Furthermore, a record budget will be set aside for funding that supports researchers at the beginning of their career. The Starting Grants will be available for researchers with two to seven years of post-PhD experience. This will provide 415 grants worth some €1.5m each, with a total budget of €605m. The deadline to apply for this funding is 18 October 2016.

Around 320 researchers are also set to benefit from a share of €575m funding. The Consolidator Grant is aimed at mid-career researchers who have seven to 12 years of post-PhD experience. This will open on the 20 October 2016, with a deadline of 9 February 2017.

Established researchers with a track record of research achievements will be able to apply for the Advanced Grant. This will open on 16 May, with calls to be submitted by 31 August 2017. This grant scheme will have a budget worth €567m and will provide some 245 grants.

Further grants will be awarded through the Proof of Concept instrument. This allows ERC grant holders to bring ideas funded by the ERC to market.

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