EU Policy recommendations: Prioritising care for high-risk COVID-19 patients

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image: @ Ada daSilva | iStock

From the 11th of March 2020 to the 5th of May 2023, the world experienced a global health emergency. In response, Policy Recommendations will be presented at the EU Parliament in an effort to prioritise care for high-risk COVID-19 patients in the EU

As COVID-19 shifts from pandemic to endemic, so have international priorities shifted; however, the pandemic still exists and remains deadly, especially for patients who are at a higher risk as they can suffer from severe conditions such as chronic, respiratory, cardiovascular, oncological or any other form of the disease.

On the 14th of November 2023, new policy recommendations will be presented at the EU Parliament to ensure the continent prioritises care for high-risk COVID-19 patients in the EU.

Remaining vigilant towards COVID-19

There is an imperative need to remain vigilant towards COVID-19, especially as winter approaches. The virus circulates simultaneously with others responsible for respiratory diseases such as influenza, pneumonia and more.

Respiratory diseases contribute to severe illness and high levels of hospitalisation in vulnerable populations every year, putting additional pressure on already strained health systems. This burden is particularly felt in the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions.

For this reason, 9 PAGs, coordinated by RPP Group, joined efforts to define 10 Policy Recommendations with the aim to expose the current challenges and barriers related to COVID-19 for high-risk groups and pave the way to improve patient care pathways.

Supporting policymakers and patients in the battle against COVID-19

The Recommendations will be officially presented at the EU level on the 14th of November in the occasion of a policy dialogue initiative promoted by Active Citizenship Network, the European branch of the Italian NGO Cittadinanzattiva, hosted by MEP Brando Benifei and supported by the MEP Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights and cross border healthcare”.

This event aims to support policymakers in ensuring that patients have their medical needs met while promoting better education among healthcare professionals and reinforcing the need to build national healthcare systems’ preparedness further.

COVID-19 antiviral treatments have emerged as a rapidly developing area of medical research, focusing on patients at high risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19 disease. However, patients across the EU are still unaware of and do not have access to COVID-19 antiviral treatments.

Further efforts are needed to understand the current landscape of availability and access to these therapies to support innovation and patient access.

Information provided by Mariano Votta, Responsible EU Affairs – Cittadinanzattiva – Director Active Citizenship Network and Kinga Wójtowicz, Head of the Brussels Office – RPP Group, public affairs consultancy.

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