Green paper explores challenges and opportunities of Europe’s ageing society

europe's ageing society
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The European Commission has presented a green paper to launch a broad policy debate on the challenges and opportunities of Europe’s ageing society

The green paper explores the impact of Europe’s ageing population across the economy and society and invites the public to express their views on how to respond to this in a 12-week public consultation. 

It is projected that by 2070 30% of the population in the EU will be over 65 and 13% will be over 80. Similarly, the number of people in need of long-term care is expected to increase from 19.5m in 2016 to 23.6m in 2030 and 30.5m in 2050.

Strengthening health and care systems

The paper frames the debate for promoting healthy lifestyles and strengthening health and care systems to accommodate for an older population. It also looks at the impact of ageing on our careers, wellbeing, pensions, social protection and productivity.

Finally, it highlights the importance of creating the right balance between sustainable solutions for our welfare systems and strengthening intergenerational solidarity.

Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President for Democracy and Demography, said: “The fact that we are living longer, healthier lives than the generations before shows the success and strength of our social market economy. But it also presents new challenges, and offers opportunities which we need to consider. This green paper will launch a discussion on tapping the full potential of an ageing population – the drivers for innovation which it presents, and the policy responses required.”

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