Full spectrum CBD: What Sets Charlotte’s Web Apart

full spectrum cbd, Cannabidiol
One of the Charlotte’s Web organic farms in the U.S.

Here, Savage Cabbage explain why its full-spectrum CBD products are different to others on the market

Charlotte’s Web is more than a name; it’s a promise. They live and breathe quality to ensure their products are the best. This is their pledge to you — to customers, to the community and to the world — to consistently produce the highest-quality hemp extract products on which people around the globe can trust and rely. From cultivation to final product formulation, their passion for excellence translates into everything they do. And it’s why they’re The World’s Most Trusted Hemp Extract™.

Charlotte’s Web™ was created by the 7 Stanley brothers who believe in creating a world where good health through nature is accessible to all. At Savage Cabbage, we’re proud to be official partners and exclusive distributors of Charlotte’s Web CBD.

The State of the UK CBD Market

There are still thousands of CBD products on the UK market, even since the Novel Foods regulations. But not all CBD products are made equal. Low-quality, isolate CBD products have flooded the UK market due to how cheap and abundant the raw material is. The price of CBD isolate has dropped by over 95% due to mass oversupply, with China being the largest supplier in the world.

By contrast, Charlotte’s Web and Savage Cabbage focus on full-spectrum CBD products. Each compound, vitamin and mineral that naturally occurs in the hemp plant plays a role in the effectiveness of a high-quality extract that provides natural benefits to human health and wellness. The variety of compounds found within the hemp plant work synergistically called the Entourage Effect. We are strong advocates of full-spectrum CBD products – and the results are there for all to see. Low-grade CBD can be found all over the market, however, none of these offers the proven benefits of full-spectrum.

Charlotte’s Web™ CBD and their rigorous commitment through the production process are what sets them apart. Organically growing and developing hemp the best way they know how: with quality and care at every step of the process, ensuring that every stage of production is monitored and of the highest quality to deliver superior results.

Quality full spectrum CBD starts from the ground up

Charlotte’s Web’s mission to help others motivates them to produce the best hemp products that people can trust. That’s why full production is managed in-house from seed to bottle, beginning with superior raw materials. Their patent-protected genetics are grown and harvested intentionally to utilise all the flowering portions of the hemp plant. Only the highest quality materials are extracted, and the discarded scraps of other parts of the plant like the stem are excluded.

Forgive the pun, but let’s get to the root of the issue: healthy soil grows healthy plants. The soils in which Charlotte’s Web is grown are tested and cleared for all contaminants before planting. This is critical as the hemp plant is highly absorptive and known to easily collect elements from the soil in which it is grown. Hemp is so effective at cleaning up contaminated soil that it was planted at Chernobyl following the nuclear disaster to reduce soil toxicity.

All of the growing practices are natural, organic and sustainable – as beneficial to the earth and environment as they are for our plants and products. Charlotte’s Web has achieved USDA Organic Certification, one of the only hemp companies globally to achieve this. Some methods adopted include:

  • Encouraging natural predators of hemp pests to ensure biodiversity
  • Using cover crops and tending to the plants by hand
  • Zero use of anything toxic or harmful to the plants or environment

full spectrum cbd, Cannabidiol

Consistency: from plant to plant, and bottle to bottle

The only way any CBD company can create consistent products is by using consistent plant genetics. The reality is most products on the market are only focused on ensuring a consistent level of CBD, and not the full product profile.

Charlotte’s Web is committed to absolute consistency, so that every product gives the same benefit, time after time. How? Proprietary hemp genetics are expertly bred to optimise growth and cannabinoid profiles using scientifically determined inputs. The world-leading team of agronomists and chemists monitor plants in the field throughout the growing season to ensure the final product is of the highest quality.

Unadulterated Purity

Once Charlotte’s Web has grown and harvested the plants, they trust in nature. You will never find any chemicals or additives in their bottles. Every Charlotte’s Web product is gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO and has zero BPA in our containers (or products!). Every product recently received the USDA Organic Certification (except The Original Formula, which uses a unique alcohol-based extraction that prevents it from achieving organic status).

Full Spectrum CBD Quality Procedures and Verifications

Charlotte’s Web adheres to the gold standard of quality. Their facility is FDA-registered, follows Good Manufacturing Protocols (GMP) and has received one of the highest audit scores from a third-party GMP auditor in the US at 98.9%.

Receiving a third-party certification for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) means the manufacturing process of Charlotte’s Web has achieved numerous requirements needed to produce high quality, reproducible and most importantly safe products. With 20+ rounds of testing on every product, Charlotte’s Web possesses one of the most stringent testing protocols in place that monitor every product from start to finish.

Quality is the pride of workmanship

Charlotte’s Web is dedicated to achieving the highest standards due to the global community that relies on its products. As more and more people rely on high-quality hemp extracts for their health and wellness, the onus is on companies to provide transparency into the processes behind their products.

But don’t just take our word for it – try it and see how Charlotte’s Web works for you. If you would like to join the family and explore the potential benefits of stocking the World’s Most Trusted CBD brand in your store, find out more at: https://savagecabbage.co.uk/wholesale-enquiries/


Please note: This is a commercial profile

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