Poor ventilation is a growing health risk in today’s society. Poor ventilation in offices, schools and healthcare facilities often causes discomfort and impair work performance, making it an economic issue as well.

Fresh air for all is not a matter of course. Good ventilation and a proper indoor climate cost money, but poor ventilation will also cost you. Because staffing is the main cost factor in an office environment because impaired learning function harms a child’s education and because a poor working environment reduces the productivity and performance of healthcare personnel, indoor air quality is very much an economic issue. This is a scientifically proven fact. In some cases, it has been shown that the effects of a poor indoor climate can impose costs greater than the energy costs for heating the same building.

Proper ventilation eliminates these problems and reduces not only the cost of operating and maintaining the buildings but also complaints about the indoor climate. Many unnecessary allergy problems can be eliminated from schools by a simple fan filters inspection.

Major energy efficiency gains possible

Rising energy prices and the demand for sustainable construction make it important to minimise energy consumption and use the right materials. A building should only be ventilated as much as it needs to be! Empty areas should have a considerably reduced airflow. This can be accomplished using demand-controlled ventilation. This saves electricity for the fans and reduces heat loss. Ventilating spaces when it is not necessary is like deliberately making a hole in the wall and pushing out the heat.

Holistic thinking and flexibility

The combination of a good indoor climate and low energy consumption requires advanced technology – and also user-friendliness and flexibility. In 2002, Lindinvent developed an award-winning product with these considerations in mind. Providing the air terminal device with multiple integrated sensors and a smart regulator to control ventilation, heat and lighting based on actual need, marked the creation of a new kind of product. The product requires no wall-mounted sensors, simplifying the wiring process and allowing walls to be placed arbitrarily.

By meticulously simplify everything from installation of the air terminal device and wiring to an intuitive web-based presentation of data, costs were halved compared to earlier solutions of a similar type. The patented airflow controller also eliminates all draughts, even when the intake air is cold.

The web interface is crucial for building services staff to be able to understand the indoor climate and is a guarantee of good long-term functionality. It also gives a better basis for making decisions and working efficiently, thereby lowering costs. Advanced optimisation algorithms to calculate the most economical options for controlling the indoor climate reduces costs further still. We have hundreds of installations showing that this works. One example is the solution at Swedbank’s headquarters in Stockholm, which was named Sweden’s “Best Green Building of 2014”. One of Europe’s 5 best renovation projects, was presented an award this summer, also features our solution – with 64% less energy


Thomas Lindborg

Sales manager

Lindinvent AB

Tel: +46 46 158550



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