Government plans to vaccinate tens of millions of people by spring


The government has published its UK COVID-19 vaccines delivery plan which aims vaccinate tens of millions of people against COVID-19 by spring

The UK COVID-19 vaccines delivery plan is the largest vaccination programme in British history and sets to delivery at least 2 million vaccinations per week at over 2,700 vaccination sites across the UK.

By the end of January, everyone in England will be within 10 miles of a vaccination site or have the vaccine brought to them via mobile teams in certain rural areas.

By the end of the month, all residents and staff in over 10,000 care homes across the country will have been offered a vaccine and all adults will be offered a vaccine by Autumn.

This will be made possible by the rapid expansion of the programme, including, 206 active hospital sites, 50 vaccination centres, around 1,200 local vaccination sites – including primary care networks, community pharmacy sites and mobile teams.

UK COVID-19 vaccines delivery plan

The plan is split into 4 main areas:

  • Supply – including the development and manufacturing of vaccines, ensuring their safety and effectiveness
  • Prioritisation – insight into the first 2 phases of deployment
  • Places – ensuring simple, fair and convenient access to vaccinations for the public, regardless of where they live
  • People – mobilising the workforce and providing information on vaccinations to local communities

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

“It’s taken a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication to make such an incredible start to this ambitious deployment programme. Our vaccine deployment plan sets out exactly how we will harness these efforts to expand the programme quickly and safely.

“Our UK COVID-19 vaccines delivery plan maps our route back to normality, but it does not mean we can be complacent and it is mission-critical that everybody abides by the restrictions in the coming weeks.

“The next few months will present a significant opportunity to turn the tide of battle against COVID – I am looking forward to watching these plans bring more reassurance and hope back to people’s lives after a difficult.”

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