Half of public in England have registered with NHS login

NHS login
© Gary Hider

Almost 28 million people in England have registered with NHS login and more than 16 million have signed up for the NHS App, according to the latest statistics from NHS Digital

NHS login, the service which supports the NHS App and is managed by NHS Digital, now has almost 28 million users.

A total of 45 apps and e-health services are available through NHS login, including the NHS App, which now has over 16 million registrations. The NHS app was downloaded by more than 12 million people following the addition of the NHS COVID Pass.

The highest proportion of users are based in London and proved most popular with those aged between 30-39, and 20-29 overall.

Organ donation registration

During the past four months, 3,160,253 repeat prescriptions were ordered and 268,063 GP appointments were booked via the app. 153,557 people have also used it to manage their organ donation decision.

Melissa Ruscoe, Programme Head at NHS Digital, said: “We are pleased to see such a massive uptake in people managing their healthcare needs digitally throughout the coronavirus pandemic, with around half of people in England now able to access digital healthcare services through NHS login.

GP appointments

“Through the services integrated with NHS login people can book GP appointments, order lateral flow tests, register their organ donation preferences, and much more.

“This helps free up valuable time for GP practice staff and provides a simple and efficient way for people to take control of their healthcare and access services easily and securely.”

Source: NHS Digital 

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