Heat map shows energy efficiency of Herefordshire homes

heat map

Residents in Herefordshire can discover how energy efficient their homes are via a new online heat map…

If you live in Herefordshire and want to know how efficient your home is a new heat map released by the council can tell you.

Herefordshire Council carried out a heat survey across parts of the region in February over a period of two nights. The survey was carried out after 7pm, when the temperature had dropped and when homeowners were likely to be home, with the heating on. The data was collected using a thermal imaging sensor, which revealed which properties were losing the most heat.

The aerial survey used red to denote high energy-use, orange for above average, yellow for average, green for below average, and blue for low energy use.

Residents of Hereford, as well as some other selected areas will be able to check the amount of heat their property loses.

Speaking to the Hereford Times, cabinet member for infrastructure Councillor Philip Price said: “Residents can see how their homes are performing and can then look at ways they can improve their energy efficiency.

“Homes that are poorly insulated and expensive to heat can have an impact on people’s health as well their incomes.

“This survey will not only help residents see how much heat their home is leaking but also ensure the council targets those communities that need the most help.”

The council also recently announced it has reinstated the Keep Herefordshire Warm partnership with local energy charity Marches Energy Agency. This aims to improve efficiency and tackle fuel poverty.

Funding for the survey was provided by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Price added: “Obviously our results are only a snap shot in time and if people were on holiday or didn’t have the heating on it won’t show up as emitting any heat.

“However, it will hopefully start people thinking about what measures they can put in place to improve the energy efficiency of their homes”.

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