UK government to extend financial support to Horizon Europe applicants

Females in a chemistry lab doing research
© Lightpoet

The UK government has decided to extend the financial support provided to Horizon Europe applicants, continuing funding to researchers, businesses and innovators

This guarantee scheme, introduced in November 2021, ensures that successful Horizon Europe applicants from the UK will attain funding for their projects, despite the UK leaving the EU.

It will cover all Horizon Europe applications and will close before 31 December 2022, with the majority of grant signature dates expected before the end of August 2023.

Eligible, successful applicants are to receive all their funding at their UK host institution for the lifetime of the grant.

Awardees of the funding will be able to remain in the UK to receive this funding to support researchers, providing reassurance for future collaborations.

Who is able to apply for this programme?

  • Those who are based in the UK
  • People who have been successful at applying for a Horizon Europe grant with final submission deadlines on or before 31 December 2022
  • Those who have been included on the initial grant proposal as a ‘beneficiary’ with an assigned budget.

Supporting applications to continue their work in research and innovation

This extension of the guarantee aims to protect the UK research and innovation sector during the ongoing delays occurring across the country, while the EU formalises the UK association – including through the recently launched consultation process.

The UK cannot wait much longer for its association with EU Programmes due to Brexit, so it aims to continue the development of plans as an alternative.

The government recently released a publication incorporating further detail on these plans, and details of the scope and terms of the extension are available on the UKRI website.

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