With a budget of €95.5 billion, Horizon Europe is one of the largest research and innovation programmes in the world, with its flagship research and innovation funding programme continuing until 2027

Horizon Europe’s research and innovation funding aims to address societal challenges, foster scientific excellence, promote industrial competitiveness, and deliver solutions to global problems such as climate change, health, and security.

The programme builds on the success of its predecessor programmes – Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development (FPs) – which have been instrumental in advancing knowledge and driving innovation across Europe. Horizon Europe is designed to provide continuity from previous FPs while also incorporating new features that reflect changing needs and priorities of society.

In this article, we will explore the evolution of EU research and innovation funding, discuss the importance of Horizon Europe in achieving societal objectives, examine its three pillars, highlight who can benefit from its funding opportunities, and provide tips for applying for Horizon Europe funding.

The evolution of EU research and innovation funding

Horizon Europe, the European Union’s research and innovation funding programme until 2027, reflects the evolution of EU funding mechanisms by prioritising interdisciplinary collaboration and societal impact over disciplinary silos and scientific excellence alone.

This shift in focus has been a response to the challenges faced by traditional research models that have resulted in fragmented knowledge production with limited impact on society. Horizon Europe aims to overcome these limitations by promoting multidisciplinary partnerships between academia, industry, civil society, and policymakers to generate innovative solutions for pressing global challenges.

Societal impact through collaborative research presents both challenges and opportunities for researchers

The emphasis on societal impact through collaborative research presents both challenges and opportunities for researchers.

On one hand, it requires a more comprehensive understanding of the social implications of research findings beyond academic discourse. On the other hand, it opens up new avenues for cross-sectoral partnerships that can lead to meaningful change in addressing societal needs through evidence-based policies.

The potential benefits are significant as they can help bridge gaps between science, policy-making, and public participation.

Looking ahead towards future prospects of Horizon Europe, it is clear that there will be an increased need for researchers who are not only experts in their respective fields but also possess strong communication skills and an ability to work across disciplines.

Collaboration among diverse groups will become increasingly important as we strive towards creating solutions for complex global issues such as climate change or pandemics.

It is hoped that this new approach will lead to more impactful research outcomes that contribute meaningfully towards building a sustainable future for all.

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The importance of Horizon Europe in achieving societal objectives

The pursuit of societal objectives is crucial in the advancement of scientific knowledge and the promotion of human welfare.

Horizon Europe, as a research funding program until 2027, plays a vital role in achieving such objectives. It provides researchers with innovation opportunities that can help solve some of society’s most pressing issues.

Horizon Europe is designed to foster research collaboration among different sectors and fields with its research and innovation funding. With its multi-disciplinary approach, it encourages researchers to work together across borders and disciplines to address complex challenges facing society. This collaboration potential allows for more holistic solutions that consider social, economic, environmental, and ethical implications.

Furthermore, Horizon Europe emphasises the importance of involving citizens in research projects to ensure that they respond to societal needs. The program also prioritises research topics that have significant impacts on public health, climate change, digitalisation, among other areas critical to human welfare.

Thus, Horizon Europe not only supports scientific advancements but also promotes social responsibility by delivering solutions that address societal objectives.

The three pillars of Horizon Europe

Collaboration, impact, and excellence are the key pillars that guide the Horizon Europe research and innovation funding programme until 2027. The programme is designed to address complex societal challenges that require multidisciplinary approaches and cross-border cooperation.

The three pillars provide a framework for achieving the strategic objectives of Horizon Europe by emphasising collaborative partnerships among researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, and civil society.

  1. The first pillar of collaboration emphasises the importance of working together across sectors and disciplines to achieve common goals.

This involves fostering partnerships between academia, industry, civil society organisations, and policymakers at local, regional, national, and international levels.

Research collaboration enables knowledge sharing and co-creation of innovative solutions that can have a significant impact on societal challenges such as climate change mitigation or health care systems transformation.

The atmosphere is surreal at dawn in the Jokulsaron lagoon, where seals and a few lucky people can enjoy an endless spectacle, where icebergs float and move slowly dragged by the current.
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2. The second pillar of impact focuses on ensuring that research funded by Horizon Europe has tangible benefits for society. To achieve this goal, funding priorities are aligned with pressing societal needs such as digital transformation or sustainable agriculture.

Research activities funded under this pillar should be aimed at creating measurable outcomes that contribute to solving specific problems faced by societies in Europe and beyond.

3. Finally, excellence is the third pillar that ensures high-quality research outcomes through rigorous evaluation processes based on scientific merit criteria.

These three key pillars form a solid foundation for Horizon Europe’s implementation strategy in promoting social responsibility while addressing pressing societal challenges through research efforts.

Through research collaboration among stakeholders from different sectors as well as focusing on impactful research areas aligned with societal needs while maintaining high standards of scientific excellence will enable Horizon Europe to make meaningful contributions towards achieving its strategic objectives over the next seven years.

Excellent Science: Advancing fundamental research and supporting researchers

Advancing fundamental research and supporting researchers is a critical aspect of the strategy guiding one of the most significant research and innovation programmes in Europe – Horizon Europe.

The primary goal of this programme is to ensure that European scientists are at the forefront of scientific excellence, enabling them to make fundamental discoveries with far-reaching impacts on society. In essence, the aim is to support and fund innovative projects that will drive economic growth, create jobs, and enhance our quality of life.

Horizon Europe’s Excellent Science pillar seeks to promote a conducive environment for researchers by providing funding opportunities for basic research in various disciplines such as mathematics, physics, biology, social sciences, among others.

This funding enables scientists to explore new ideas without commercial pressures while fostering creativity and curiosity-driven science.

Enabling scientists to explore new ideas without commercial pressures while fostering creativity and curiosity-driven science

Moreover, it supports both individual researchers and collaborative projects across Europe through fellowships and grants aimed at enhancing their skills development towards scientific excellence.

The excellent science pillar also aims at strengthening European research infrastructure by promoting open access policies for publications and data sharing while improving international cooperation among scientists worldwide.

Furthermore, the research and innovation funding seeks to encourage cross-disciplinary collaborations between academia-industry partnerships aimed at fostering innovation towards societal challenges such as climate change or health issues.

Overall, the excellent science pillar plays a crucial role in advancing fundamental knowledge while supporting scientists’ professional development through cutting-edge innovation funding opportunities.

Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness: addressing societal challenges and boosting innovation

Addressing societal challenges and boosting innovation are critical components of the Excellent Science pillar within Horizon Europe, aimed at promoting global challenges and European industrial competitiveness.

The program’s Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness subtopic is focused on finding sustainable solutions to pressing issues such as climate change, healthcare, energy security, and digital transformation.

The Horizon Europe initiative emphasises research collaborations with a wide range of stakeholders across various sectors through European partnerships.

To achieve its objectives, Horizon Europe will prioritise funding for projects that aim to develop new green technologies that reduce carbon emissions while also enhancing the competitiveness of European industries globally.

This approach not only helps address environmental concerns but also provides opportunities for businesses in the region to innovate and grow sustainably. Additionally, the program will encourage international research collaborations among experts from different countries working together towards common goals.

Through this subtopic, Horizon Europe aims to foster an environment where innovation can thrive by supporting researchers in developing groundbreaking ideas that tackle some of society’s most pressing problems with its research and innovation funding.

As part of this effort, it seeks to promote interdisciplinary research partnerships between academia and industry so that innovations can be quickly translated into tangible products or services. Ultimately, these efforts are expected to contribute significantly towards achieving a more prosperous and sustainable future for Europe and beyond.

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Innovative Europe: Promoting innovation and improving access to finance

In addressing societal challenges and boosting innovation, Horizon Europe aims to promote innovative solutions that will improve access to finance. The current subtopic of the funding programme, ‘Innovative Europe’, seeks to support entrepreneurship by providing financial support for technological advancements and promoting innovation in various sectors.

One of the main objectives of this subtopic is to boost entrepreneurship by improving access to finance. This can be achieved through various means such as venture capital investments or grants for innovative start-ups. By providing financial support, Horizon Europe hopes to encourage entrepreneurial activity and facilitate the development of new technologies and products.

The programme also focuses on promoting innovation across different industries. It recognises that innovation is a key driver of economic growth and competitiveness, and therefore seeks to foster an environment conducive to its development.

Through funding initiatives that support research and development efforts, Horizon Europe aims to stimulate technological advancements in areas such as healthcare, energy, and digitalisation.

Overall, Innovative Europe represents a significant step towards achieving a more prosperous future for Europe through entrepreneurship boost and technology advancements.

Who can benefit from Horizon Europe funding?

Entrepreneurs and researchers in various sectors may be eligible for financial support under the ‘Innovative Europe’ subtopic of Horizon Europe.

The eligibility criteria for funding opportunities vary depending on factors such as the type of project and the stage of development. Potential beneficiaries include small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups, research institutions, universities, and large companies.

The selection process for Horizon Europe funding is highly competitive, with many applicants vying for limited resources. Proposals are evaluated based on their relevance to program objectives, scientific excellence, impact potential, and implementation feasibility.

Successful applicants must also adhere to grant management rules and regulations to ensure that funds are used effectively and efficiently.

Overall, Horizon Europe’s Innovative Europe subtopic provides a valuable opportunity for businesses and researchers looking to develop innovative technologies or solutions.

However, it is important to carefully consider eligibility criteria before applying for funding opportunities. Additionally, prospective applicants should be prepared to devote significant time and resources towards proposal development and grant management if they hope to secure funding through this program.

Applying for Horizon Europe funding: Tips and best practices

Maximising the chances of securing financial support for innovative projects requires a strategic and thorough approach when applying for Horizon Europe funding. Applicants must ensure that their proposals align with the programme’s objectives, evaluation criteria and priorities.

The proposal should describe clearly the research question, methodology, expected results and impact. It is essential to highlight the novelty of the project and its potential contribution to European society.

Budget planning is another crucial aspect of preparing a successful application for Horizon Europe funding. The budget should be realistic, well-defined and justified according to the proposed activities.

It is important to take into account all costs related to the project, including personnel, travel expenses, equipment purchase or rent, consumables or subcontracting fees.

It is important to take into account all costs related to the project, including personnel, travel expenses, equipment purchase or rent, consumables or subcontracting fees

Consortium building and dissemination strategy are also key factors in increasing success rates when applying for Horizon Europe funding. Building a strong consortium with relevant partners can enhance scientific excellence, increase knowledge transfer opportunities and improve innovation capacity within Europe.

Dissemination strategy should be carefully planned to maximise visibility, outreach and exploitation of results among stakeholders such as industry representatives or policy-makers. Communication plans should include clear messages adapted to different audiences through various channels (e.g., social media platforms).

Frequently asked questions about the EU’s research and innovation funding programme

What are the eligibility criteria for receiving funding under Horizon Europe?

To receive funding, eligibility criteria are key requirements that applicants must meet. These may include factors such as academic qualifications, research experience, and project viability. Application processes can also affect success rates for funding, as evaluation criteria vary between programs.

However, certain exclusions may apply depending on the specific program and its objectives. For example, an applicant seeking funding for a renewable energy project might be excluded if their proposed technology is not sufficiently innovative or sustainable.

How much funding is available under Horizon Europe, and how is it distributed among different projects?

Funding allocation for research projects varies based on evaluation methods and funding criteria. Project selection is highly competitive, with limited funding distribution among successful applicants. The exact amount of funding available is dependent on the specific program or initiative.

How is the impact of Horizon Europe measured, and what are the key performance indicators that are used for this purpose?

Measuring impact of research and innovation funding programmes involves the use of key performance indicators, evaluation criteria, and impact assessment. Performance metrics are used to determine the effectiveness of these programmes in achieving their intended goals.

Are there any specific focus areas or research themes that Horizon Europe prioritizes over others?

Priority themes and research areas within Horizon Europe are determined by the European Commission’s strategic objectives, societal challenges, and input from stakeholders. Funding distribution is based on competitive calls for proposals, with impact assessment used to guide future funding decisions. Comparison to previous programs will be possible once data becomes available.

How does Horizon Europe differ from other research and innovation funding schemes at the national and international levels?

According to a study by the European Commission, national funding schemes tend to prioritise basic research while international funding structures focus on applied research. Evaluation metrics vary widely and innovation priorities often reflect geographical distribution.

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