Digital exams are now overtaking traditional paper exams in the International Baccalaureate, with the potential to move to virtual reality assessments also

The International Baccalaureate traditionally used paper exams and workbooks, but it is now making the decision to host digital exams in a shift toward virtual education, a necessary move following COVID-19, which affected international schools everywhere.

The International Baccalaureate, or the IB, is a school programme which has been implemented in over 5000 schools across over 150 countries in place of A-levels and aims to give students a wider curriculum. It now looks towards developing online exams and possibly virtual reality assessments.

Digital exams let students be assessed in a manner better suited to the workplace and the 21st century, Olli-Pekka Heinonen said to the IB’s global conference in the Hague, the Netherlands.

Digital exams are to “future-proof” the qualification for the next generation

Digital exams will allow those outside mainstream education, such as those who are learning remotely, to have access to the qualification.

The programme designers made the decision to move the diploma online in the hope to assess students in a way that is better suited to the modern world with the intention to move all of its exams online.

No timeline has been set for the switch, with schools initially expected to be offered a choice of online or paper-based exams.

Training teachers and supporting students in the shift

This shift in the qualification will take time, as programme directors need to ensure that teachers have the training to use new technology and ways of teaching, and the needs of students are being fully met.

Heinonen said: “The paper assessments will be there for the interim period, but I also see that there is a time when we will move to a digital environment.”
“It’s not like, once we have the digital assessment ready, the next day we will abandon paper, [but] there will be a moment when there’s a shift.”

Stewart Watts, VP EMEA at D2L discussed the best way to implement online learning, where he said: “The pandemic has been a catalyst for great change. As suggested by IB’s director-general, education needs to evolve with the modern world. The number of students that are not ‘workplace ready’ is well documented. Many lack the crucial skills required for today’s workforce and business challenges.

“To close this gap, the way in which we value, deliver and measure learning needs to change, especially if we are looking to address the ongoing recruitment challenges. Vocational qualifications courses are a step in the right direction. However, reforming an entire education programme will take time and needs to be approached carefully.

“While there are a number of benefits to online assessments, precautions must be taken to ensure that students receive the best experience possible. It is crucial these initiatives are carefully planned and thought out with students in mind. By incorporating data analytics into these online assessments, faculty can identify where students are struggling and adjust their courses accordingly.

Precautions must be taken to ensure that students receive the best experience possible

“Teachers can see students’ average grades far more easily, but combined with other data points it can give a holistic view of how students are progressing across each of their subjects and courses. If the online IB is carried out successfully they will allow students to engage in a variety of formats, whether that be audio, film, or virtual reality, enabling them to study and take their exams from anywhere, and on any device.

“Unfortunately, many teachers have never been officially trained in delivering online learning or designing online assessments, as it is usually not part of the teacher training curriculum. This lack of instructional design knowledge means that beginning to create a structured online space can be challenging. Both education technology and online learning should complement all current learning and teaching objectives. Ensuring staff can use and apply these technologies effectively throughout their programmes helps ensure they deliver the best learning experience possible.”

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