Millions of brits are suffering with tinnitus

tinnitus symptoms

A hearing loss survey revealed that 1 in 5 brits are suffering from the most common tinnitus symptoms

A survey of 2,000 adults, commissioned by Oticon, has revealed that tinnitus is affecting millions of brits and 21% of those have experienced symptoms such as ringing, buzzing or persistent noise in their ears.

Tinnitus symptoms are most commonly associated with damage caused by exposure to loud noises. This was demonstrated in the survey which supports that attending loud concerts (37.8%) and nightclubs (23.6%), as well as listening to loud music (22.4%) and standing near loudspeakers (23.4%), are the main activities that cause the respondents’ tinnitus symptoms.

The survey reveals that the biggest effects of the widespread hearing condition include lack of concentration (26.4%), less alertness (25.8%), stress (22.4%) and withdrawal from social situations (28%).

Two thirds also find it tiring to hear what people are saying and find it difficult to follow conversations in situations where there are lots of people speaking.

Alison Stone, Training Manager and Audiologist at Oticon, says: “People with tinnitus are often more tired and can have more difficulty concentrating, especially if there is background noise in the environment. They are also more at risk of high anxiety, depression and irritation which affects their daily quality of life a great deal.

Less than half of those who experience tinnitus have seen a doctor or hearing care profession about their symptoms. “It is important to highlight that tinnitus can sometimes be a symptom of a treatable medical condition, so it is crucial not to skip a visit with a medical doctor,” Alison Stone advises.

“We know that approximately 80% of those with hearing loss also suffer from tinnitus, and 80% of those with tinnitus also have some form of hearing loss. This large overlap makes tinnitus treatment very relevant for hearing aid wearers. So, if you are experiencing tinnitus symptoms then seek professional medical advice from your primary care doctor or an ENT consultant.”

Over half of the participants agree that their hearing is ability is getting worse with age. Although, it can be experienced by anyone of any age.

Almost half admit to being asked to turn the TV down and over half prefer to have the volume up loud when speaking to people on the phone.

Stone added: “Having tinnitus is a deeply individual experience. No person with tinnitus has the same experience and no one solution will work for everyone.

“Even though we do not have a cure for tinnitus, research has shown that there are many ways people can be helped to manage their condition in order to live a full, rich and productive life. One of the most effective ways to treat tinnitus is a combined approach of counselling and sound therapy.

Another area of special interest within recent years has been the use of Mindfulness as an effective form of focus and relaxation. There are trained professionals out there who understand and can help.”

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  1. regarding the Tinnitus condition, I would be interested if anyone as a child when having ear tests felt that after this it is when their tinnitus might of started. I personally was put through tests with numerous sounds being pumped to me and my responses needed. I have often wondered if this is when my tinnitus started, as I cant really say when it might of started otherwise I can only think that I have always known tinnitus.


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