Stakeholder Academic Articles

Stakeholder eBooks

Population and immigration: Some fallacies and neglected benefits

Population and immigration: Some fallacies and neglected benefits

In this eBook, I will discuss some very common fallacies regarding population and immigration, together with some important neglected points. I will try to do so in a way easy to understand and give some references for more rigorous discussions.
The Anti-Market Sentiment: A Critique

The anti-market sentiment: A critique

The anti-market sentiment has a long history and can be traced at least to Aristotle (384-322 B.C.); see ‘an anticommercial theme originating in Aristotle’ (McCloskey 2006, p.2).
The Welfare Foundation of public policies and its implications

The Welfare Foundation of public policies and its implications

The position here is that public policies should, ultimately speaking, be for the promotion of social welfare. What is social welfare? This is the welfare of people in the relevant society (discussing the issue of animal welfare later).