Nearly zero energy building solutions

The background of building renovation in both Nordic and European projects, where actual energy use is quite often 30-40% higher in practice compared to what was expected from calculations, and where innovative solutions are seldom used, is very much connected to the way the building industry is organised. Here, it is common to work with well-known large suppliers who can contribute to large parts of the design process. This means there is a tendency to not choose the most energy efficient solutions but to allow more mediocre and old fashioned solutions that the suppliers prefer.

To tackle this, The Nordic Built “Active Roofs and Facades” project, coordinated by Cenergia, has received support from Nordic Innovation, EUDP (DK), Energimyndigheten (SE) and Rannis (IS) allowing strong development of leading Nordic competences in the area of building renovation.

The proposed cooperation with the building industry on developing models and the demonstration of “Active House” based sustainable renovation is creating a strong Nordic alliance.

The project runs from 2014 to 2017 and involves companies which are represented in the Nordic countries and companies from the international Active House Alliance ( The development will use the best transnational competences and networks, creating greater possibilities to export technology.

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