A very warm welcome to the Winter volume of North America Analysis. In our health & social care section, Dr Eduardo Bianco, Chair of the Tobacco Expert Group at the World Heart Federation, discusses the tobacco epidemic and how e-cigarettes may be part of the problem
You may also like to read insightful comments from Nina Schor, MD, PhD, Deputy Director and Acting Scientific Director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, part of the National Institutes of Health in the U.S., who underlines the importance of investing in the future of neuroscience.
As part of our research and innovation focus, we enjoy in-depth analysis from Nina Amla with Joydip Kundu and Fernanda Pembleton from the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) within the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). Together, these authors provide an in-depth look at computing, communication and information systems.
In our special section on international development, we are joined by Dr Denny Kalyalya and Axel van Trotsenburg, who together, highlight the need to accelerate international support to protect the most vulnerable people from COVID-19 impacts. If that isn’t enough for you, then why not also read the words of Adam Heuman, Vice-President Global Development and Communication, EMpower – The Emerging Markets Foundation, who sheds light on the challenge of COVID-19 for emerging markets?
In our agriculture section, we welcome regular contributor and expert in the field, David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, who explains how the soil holds the answer to feeding the world.
And in our Canada comment, Open Access Government reflects on the meaning of sustainable space exploration, with a specific telescope in mind. I would be thrilled if you can join us for future editions as our insights into the region of North America continue during 2022 and beyond.