North Yorkshire programme for looked-after children receives praise

A programme developed in North Yorkshire for looked-after children has received praise, with calls for other local authorities to adopt it…

The ‘No Wrong Door’ programme has received significant praise for helping looked-after children and young people.

The scheme, which was developed by North Yorkshire County Council, is designed to change the experience of children and young people in the care system. It focuses on young people who enter the care system in their teenage years, aiming to break the cycle of multiple foster placements, insufficiently planned periods in residential care, and placement breakdowns.

Local authorities across the country have been urged to consider adopting the ‘No Wrong Door’ programme in a national report ‘Residential Care in England’.

Produced by former director general of prisons for England and Wales and former chief executive of Barnardos Sir Martin Narey, the report was commissioned by former Prime Minister David Cameron. Narey praised the programme for its “ambition, innovation and high expectation”.

He said:  “No Wrong Door is hugely ambitious for the children and young people who come into the care system.

“It dismantles the binary divide between fostering and residential care to offer the best of both.

“It is the sense of ambition and high expectations which this very clever and sophisticated programme has for the most challenging children which is so special flexibility of the provision is very effective so that young people can move in a planned way and back and forth between foster care and residential care.”

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