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Home Open Access Government January 2023

    Open Access Government January 2023

    It’s time to welcome our January 2023 digital publication. Here we bring you substantial policy analysis, including health & social care, research & innovation, digital transformation, government, transport, energy, environment, agriculture and much more

    High-profile editorial contributions include:

    Education and training: Building our common future on solid bases

    Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, looks at education and training to improve education inclusivity across Europe

    Delivering better health with the EU Global Health Strategy

    Sandra Gallina, Director General at Directorate-General Sante (DG SANTE), European Commission, explains how the new EU Global Health Strategy steps up the EU’s role to deliver better health

    Why engineering policy should be at the heart of government policymaking

    Professor Nick Jennings CB FREng FRS, Chair of the Engineering Policy Centre Committee at the Royal Academy of Engineering, states why engineering policy should be at the heart of policymaking

    Time to strengthen palliative care across Europe

    Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Dr Tomas Zapata and Dr Satish Mishra, from WHO/Europe, argue that now is the time to strengthen palliative care across the European Region

    2040: Are we on track to reach NHS net-zero?

    Cameron Hawkins, Head of Energy and Environment, NHS Property Services, says we are another year closer to 2040 but are we on track to reach NHS net-zero?

    Reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in Africa

    Dr Prebo Barango and Prof Jean-Marie Dangou from the WHO Regional Office for Africa argue that reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in Africa is imperative

    Hepatitis C virus elimination: A potential global success story

    Dr Zisis Kozlakidis and Dr Dewi Nur Aisyah examine Hepatitis C virus elimination and weigh up if this has potential to become a global success story

    Adaptation to climate change: Local & regional government perspective

    Vasileios Latinos, Coordinator – Urban Resilience and Climate Adaptation, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat, examines the local and regional government perspective of the adaption to climate change

    The impact of suicide and suicidal behavior

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, explain the impact of suicide and suicidal behavior. Suicide is preventable and no lives should be lost to it

    A current analysis of mental health in the workplace

    Dr Florence Baingana, Regional Advisor, Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders, World Health Organization (WHO) African Region, provides an update on mental health in the workplace