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Home Open Access Government July 2021

    Open Access Government July 2021

    The bumper July 2021 edition of Open Access Government provides in-depth coverage of policy issues globally, such as COVID-19, health & social care, research & innovation, digital transformation, finance, agriculture, environment plus energy

    A selection of our intellectually stimulating content can be found below:

    Europe invests in people and innovation

    Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, illustrates how education, research and innovation are essential for transformations that can lead us to a sustainable economy

    EU4Health: Building healthcare systems of tomorrow

    European Commission Director General for Health and Food Safety Sandra Gallina details the ambitious EU4Health Programme proposed as a response to COVID-19

    COVID-19 in Africa: Where are we?

    Open Access Government caught up with Dr Mary Stephen, Public Health Expert at the World Health Organization African Region, who provides an update on the COVID-19 outbreak in Africa

    An expert’s perspective on stroke

    Dr Florence Baingana, Regional Adviser for Mental Health and Substance Abuse from the World Health Organization – Regional Office for Africa, provides her expert perspective on stroke

    Understanding the many possible paths to dementia

    Dr Roderick Corriveau, PhD from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, part of the National Institutes of Health in the U.S., details the importance of understanding the many possible paths to dementia

    Collaboration & COVID-19: Social and behavioral science

    Arthur Lupia with Deborah H. Olster from the Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences at the U.S. National Science Foundation, explain the power of international collaboration when it comes to social and behavioral science responding to COVID-19

    Federal Aviation Administration international work advances safety mission globally

    Lirio Liu, Executive Director of International Affairs at the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reveals their exciting work to redefine geographic and atmospheric boundaries with aviation

    Federal agencies reduce carbon emissions with energy savings performance contracts

    Leslie Nicholls from the U.S. Department of Energy, explains how federal agencies reduce carbon emissions with energy savings performance contracts

    Sustainable battery production in Europe

    European Commission Spokesperson for Internal Market, Defence Industry, Space, Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Sonya Gospodinova, tells us what we need to know about sustainable battery product

    How can Finland confront the climate crisis and preserve its biodiversity?

    Krista Mikkonen, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change in Finland illustrates why a circular economy will provide the means to tackle the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity