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side effects of the astrazeneca vaccine, covid

What are the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine?

Here, we use science to dissect some of the rumours about the side effects of the AstraZeneca and Oxford University vaccine.
healthcare logistics

COVID-19: The challenge of healthcare logistics

Zisis Kozlakidis, International Agency for Research on Cancer, with Erik Steinfelder, Thermo Fisher Scientific, chart the challenges in healthcare logistics in relation to COVID-19.
novavax vaccine, mutation

Novavax vaccine is 85.6% efficient against UK COVID mutation

Phase Three data from the UK trial shows that Novavax still works powerfully against the UK mutation, with a less intense impact on the South African mutation at 60%.
star formation science, TDG

Star formation science explained by discovery in new galaxy

The Atacama desert in Chile brings the world more new insights on star formation science, as revealed by researchers at the University of Bath.
latinx workers, unidos en salud

Community initiative delivers 14,000 COVID-19 tests to Latinx workers

Unidos En Salud organisers have now provided COVID-19 testing to 14,000 people, targeting Latinx workers - one of the most hard-hit communities in San Francisco.
star formation, NASA

Six new images from Hubble show how star formation works

Hubble released images of six galaxies in a nod to the spirit of the New Year, which make up part of their star formation exploration.
climate calculation, zhao

Cities contain 50% of the world’s population but are left out of climate calculations

While cities only occupy around 3% of the Earth, they are where 50% of the world's population live - but they are not usually included in global climate calculations, meaning that urban environmental problems can slip under the radar.
oldest light, hubble constant

Scientists use oldest light to estimate that the universe is 14 billion years old

Through a telescope in the Atacama Desert of Chile, an old argument between scientists has been settled - they now agree that our universe is approximately 14 billion years old.
Dr Sylvie Briand, WHO

Dr Sylvie C. Briand – World Health Organization (WHO)

Dr Briand is the director of the Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness department (GIH) at the World Health Organization (WHO) There, she is in charge of advancing global efforts to prevent and control existing and emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19 but also other dangerous pathogens like pandemic influenza, plague, Nipah...
Andrea Ammon

Andrea Ammon – European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Dr Andrea Ammon, MD, MPH, was appointed Director of ECDC in June 2017.
COVID-19 vaccine

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to be rolled out across UK next week

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has approved the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for use in the UK and will be made available as early as next week.
hygiene, cleaning

Selecting hand hygiene products in a global pandemic

Chris Wakefield, Vice President of GOJO Industries-Europe Ltd, explores how businesses can navigate the increase in cleaning products on the market and select products that will best meet their needs.
HIV risks for women, drought

How is climate change increasing HIV risks for women?

When it comes to HIV risks for women, researchers found that natural disasters force vulnerable women to take any chance to secure resources - whether through transactional sex or engagement in early marriage.
veterinary medicines

Veterinary medicines: One Health – the only way forward

Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope, sheds light on One Health – the only way forward that includes comment on veterinary medicines.
the next pandemic, animal

Researchers calculate where the next pandemic could start

COVID-19 came from Wuhan, China, but the conditions that enabled the virus to jump from animal to human are not unique - so where could the next pandemic begin?
astrazeneca vaccine, covid

Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine is 70.4% effective

The UK's answer to Pfizer and Moderna, the Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine, has proven to be exactly 70.4% effective against COVID-19.
shanghai mathematical model, covid

Shanghai mathematical model predicts when schools can be opened

Educators can use a COVID-19 framework to make school opening decisions - based on a Shanghai mathematical model using contact data from China.
COVID hospitalisation, ethnicity

Afro-Caribbean people with kidney problems face COVID hospitalisation

New research explores the link between ethnicity and ESKD, which finds that Afro-Caribbean patients are four times more likely to undergo COVID hospitalisation.
moderna vaccine, covid-19

Moderna vaccine: New frontrunner is 95% effective against COVID-19

Eight days after the Pfizer vaccine results (90% effective) brought collective hope to the world, the Moderna vaccine has proven to be 95% effective at fighting COVID-19.
black and asian people, islamophobia

NIH: Black and Asian people twice as likely to catch COVID-19

US and UK researchers examined ethnicity data in both countries, finding that Black and Asian people were twice as likely as white people to be infected by the virus - but why?

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