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net zero targets, local governments

53% of UK councils not confident about net zero targets

Senior figures in local government doubt their authorities are on track to meet net zero targets, with a quarter of councils aiming for 2050.
urban greening, death

More urban greening could prevent over 34,000 US deaths

Between 34,000-38,000 deaths could have been reduced with local increases in urban greening in US city areas – as greenery may substantially reduce mortality.
habitats, Bumblebee species conservation

Bumblebee species conservation “not a one-size-fits-all approach”

A 10-year citizen science study finds that multiple habitats need to be preserved for efficient bumblebee species conservation in the UK.
advanced recycling, plastic pollution

“Advanced recycling” not the answer to plastic pollution crisis

Advanced or chemical recycling, has been incentivised by State laws in the US - but environmental advocates suggest it will only further plastic pollution.
manta ray habitats, tourism

Regional recovery of manta ray habitats through tourism limitations

Komodo National Park has one of the world’s largest manta ray habitats – and researchers think this may be due to stricter tourism regulations allowing them to flourish.
digitised society, digital transformation

Denmark: A blueprint for becoming a digitised society

Richard Davies, UK Country Managing Partner, Netcompany turns the spotlight on Denmark, an excellent blueprint for becoming a digitised society.
future biotechnology solutions, eu citizens

Citizens propose future biotechnology solutions come from EU

After the Conference on the Future of Europe, 300 recommendations were made by citizens - including that future biotechnology solutions, like vaccines, are created using EU resources.
supply of crude oil, energy sanctions

EU to drop Russian supply of crude oil “within six months”

The EU announced further energy sanctions on Russia, with supply of crude oil to be phased out "within six months".

Study explores cheaper way to produce compounds for pharmaceuticals

Researchers have developed a new tool that can make it easier and cheaper to fabricate the compounds needed for pharmaceuticals.
effects of preeclampsia

Can vitamin D help combat the effects of preeclampsia?

Shona Wilkinson at Nutrigums explains how vitamin D could be the secret weapon to combating the effects of preeclampsia.
Microplastics carrying pathogens, Crypto, land pathogens

Research finds microplastics carrying pathogens into sea

Microplastics carrying pathogens into the ocean via land based parasites are affecting wildlife and human health.
marine heatwave forecasts, ocean temperatures

Using marine heatwave forecasts to predict ecological impacts

Marine heatwave forecasts could potentially provide up to one year’s notice of changes to ocean temperatures, predicting effects on ecosystems.
saltwater battery, renewable energy

€2.5 million EU grant for sustainable saltwater battery project

An Imperial College London graduate, Jiajun Cen, won a €2.5 million grant from the European Innovation Council to develop a saltwater battery.
sustainable sand

Creating sustainable sand: A solution to mineral waste?

Researchers have found that a step-change in mineral processing may drastically reduce mineral waste, while creating a source of sustainable sand.
tumble drying, microfibres

Reduce air pollution from microfibres by avoiding tumble drying

Tumble drying laundry can worsen air pollution, as it releases vast amounts of possibly harmful microfibres into the air, if not coupled with more eco-friendly methods.
fueleu maritime regulation, green deal

What is the FuelEU Maritime Regulation?

Constantine Catsambis, Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on FuelEU Maritime, explains how the FuelEU Maritime Regulation could improve the climate.
women in politics, democracy

The great democratic deficit of women in politics

Gender parity in the public sector remains an essential endeavour: with diversity and inclusion at the forefront of modern politics, we still beg the question, where are all the women?
electric cars, carbon emissions

Can electric cars save the UK from carbon emissions?

Though electric cars are greener than those running on fossil fuels, they generate mass carbon emissions during production and remain predominantly inaccessible.
scientific sunburn

Scientific sunburn & skin cancer (Part 2)

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal continues the discussion about scientific sunburn & skin cancer focusing on sunscreens that prevent scientific sunburn (apoptosis).
research community, marine biodiversity

Why is fostering effective dialogue between government and the research community so vital?

Nicolas Pade, Executive Director at EMBRC-ERIC, looks at the innovation and research community to boost climate efficiency in local and central governments.

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