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innovative nanocapsules

Innovative nanocapsules for skin care

Here, Carla Silva, Project Coordinator, Chief Technology Officer at CeNTI – Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials promotes the firm’s innovative nanocapsules for skin care.
cybersecurity in hospitals, hospitals and care centres

Cybersecurity in hospitals and care centres

Dr Peter Leitner and Stela Shiroka, at INTERSPREAD GmbH, detail cybersecurity in hospitals and care centres and their thoughts on the need for increased awareness and enhanced training capabilities in Europe.
antimicrobial adhesive, healthcare-associated infection

FLEXPOL: An antimicrobial adhesive film

The EU-funded project FLEXPOL (GA number 721062) offers an affordable approach to prohibit the spread of bacteria and healthcare-associated infections using cost-effective and sustainable film products.
cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases – how to prevent them

Cardiovascular diseases are on the rise, but so is confusion as to how to prevent them. Shaun Ingram, MD of Cardiac Science takes a look at the data, shares his views and strikes a cautious note of optimism.
Henri Sant-Cassia

Henri Sant-Cassia – CBD Virtue

Henri Sant-Cassia is CEO of CBD Virtue, the upscale retailer, wholesaler and manufacturer of ultra-premium CBD.
industrial hemp

Industrial hemp: Part of the cannabis sativa family

Henri Sant-Cassia from CBD Virtue turns the spotlight onto industrial hemp, a part of the cannabis sativa family.
social care exodus, career in social care

Social care exodus: One in three social carers plan to leave sector

New research from Totaljobs reveals one in three (37%) social carers are looking to leave the sector within the next five years in a social care exodus.
the evolving workplace

The evolving workplace: How the digital economy has expanded boundaries

Cyrus Gilbert-Rolfe, EMEA MD SocialChorus explains the nature of the evolving workplace in terms of how the digital economy has expanded boundaries and driven a fundamental shift in the nature of business.
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

The role of eHealth tools in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis care and research

Karen Moor and Marlies Wijsenbeek from the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam explore the role of eHealth tools in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis care and research.
Reducing inequalities in smart mobility

Women in transport: Reducing inequalities in smart mobility in Europe

Andree Woodcock, a Professor from Coventry University, tells us what we need to know about the H2020 TInnGO (Transport Innovation Gender Observatory) project that concerns the role of women in transport and the need to reduce inequalities in smart mobility.

From diabetes prevention 1.0 to Prevention 3.0

Digitally enabled pathway personalisation is leveraging actionable data insights and dynamic intelligence to drive better outcomes as part of the Prevention 3.0 agenda
better digital future, ethical challenges

A better digital future: Meeting the ethical challenges of connected technologies

Irina Shklovski, Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, explains the ethical challenges of connected technologies in today’s world and how the VIRT-EU project helps to move us towards a better digital future.
genetics project, GlaxoSmithKline

UK launches £200 million genetics project

The UK government announced the launch of a huge genetics project, working with GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca, to understand diseases like dementia and cancer.

Precision medicine: Cost-effectiveness of breakthrough treatments

Dr Gerry Morrow shares his thoughts on the precision medicine, defined as the cost-effectiveness of breakthrough treatments and explains why this area is a priority for both researchers and government.
medication management

Medication management in diabetes

PillTime Ltd highlights the importance of medication management for diabetes as it remains a significant burden on the NHS.
standards for cannabis

Europe setting standards for cannabis products

As government authorities come to grips with legislation of cannabis-based products, the European market holds a key position, Liam McGreevy, CEO, Ethnopharm Ltd explains.
Elderly Health Service

A look at the Hong Kong Elderly Health Service

With a growing elderly population – and with it, a growing number of carers – Hong Kong’s Elderly Health Service has an increasingly important role in promoting both good physical and mental health, as this article reveals.
health and social care network

Health and social care network – a vision or reality?

Mike Thomas, Managing Director of Innopsis, the trade association for suppliers of digital infrastructure and services to the UK public sector asks if a health and social care network is a vision or reality.
demystify data

5 steps to demystify data in Defence

Vanessa Fernandes highlights five tips on how to demystify data and get yourself closer to the benefits it can bring, here.
genomic medicine approaches

Genomic medicine approaches – two contrasting case studies

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group Genomic medicine approaches – two contrasting case studies to note including the overall perspective, as well as the challenges and concerns in the field.

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