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marine species flock

The Antarctic notothenioid fishes: An especially interesting and unique marine species flock

Arthur L. DeVries, from the University of Illinois provides a comprehensive insight into a unique marine species flock, the Antarctic notothenioid fishes
digital transformation

Can digital transformation, IT security and GDPR compliance all be prioritised?

More businesses than ever are embracing digital transformation; the use of technology to improve processes, productivity and every business’ end game, profitability
space sector

Space sector to benefit form multi-million pound investment

UK space sector will benefit from a £92 million investment to design a national alternative to the EU's Galileo satellite system, ensuring UK security post Brexit
environmental undergraduate research

Environmental undergraduate research: Creating a generation of citizen scientists one local problem at a...

On environmental undergraduate research, Professors Tom Landerholm and Kelly McDonald discuss their plan to focus all of their students on the research needed for a local river to recover 
weather forecasting

Laser spacecraft due to be launched into orbit is set to revolutionise weather forecasting

A British-built satellite equipped with a 3.4-Kilowatt laser is set to be launched into space this evening and could revolutionise weather forecasting 
Data Analyst

SAS partner with Firebrand Training to deliver UK’s first Data Analyst Apprenticeships

The collaboration between Firebrand and SAS is aimed at addressing the analytical skills gap that currently exists in the UK marketplace. The Data Analyst programme is available immediately through high-quality apprenticeship delivery, in association with SAS
local businesses

Broadband boost see’s £9 billion increase for local businesses

Local businesses have seen a combined £9 billion increase in turnover since the boost in their broadband speed, new figures have revealed

Lone Workers – Your Hidden Workforce

There are over six million lone workers in the UK which represents about 20% of the UK workforce. They represent the “hidden” workforce that is under represented in an office they rarely frequent.
protein plastics

New protein plastics for a future sustainable society

Mikael Hedenqvist, Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology provides a fascinating glimpse into research on the development of protein plastics The polymeric materials division at the Royal Institute of Technology, has been doing research and development of protein plastics since the late 1990’s, often together with the group headed...
rough sleeping

£100 million government plan to end rough sleeping by 2027

The government plans to help thousands of rough sleepers through a new £100 million strategy which focuses on moving people away from the streets and into affordable accommodation.
Twice2much - Spend Recovery Services

Twice2much discuss the CCS estimate of £220million in Spend Recoveries

How much is a Spend Recovery review worth to your organisation? Can you afford to ignore your share of £220 million? Twice2Much give you the answers...
lone worker risk

Understanding and managing lone worker risk

Javier Colado, SVP of International Sales at Everbridge shares his views on understanding and managing lone worker risk, with a focus on helping to keep people safe and businesses running.
health and social care

Blockchain supports nurses in the continuity of health and social care

Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN), Paul De Raeve explains how blockchain technology supports nurses in Europe where the continuity of health and care is concerned Blockchain has the potential to modify the way health and social data are traditionally collected, interpreted and connected, shifting from...
education revolution

New technology to spearhead education revolution

Education Secretary Damian Hinds has challenged the tech industry to launch an education revolution for schools, colleges and universities
digital transformation

Public sector digital transformation is critical in light of cyber-attack threat

When introduced efficiently, digital transformation undoubtedly has a positive impact on the quality and accessibility of public services in the UK, with investment in digital tools becoming a key element of the government’s future planning strategies

Previse announces G-Cloud 10 listing

Previse, the global instant supplier payments decisions company, has today announced it has been accepted onto the UK Government’s G-Cloud 10 framework
Low Carbon Combustion Centre

JETSCREEN: Streamlining the development of sustainable aircraft fuels

Dr Simon Blakey discusses JETSCREEN and research into more efficient screening of aviation fuels, in turn hoping to reduce the substantial investment required.
mental health problems

More than half of diabetics are treated for mental health problems, study reveals

A study commissioned by Ieso Digital Health shows that over half of those living with type 1 and 2 diabetes are affected by mental health problems.

Supporting and funding research in France

The French National Research Agency (ANR) is a public body which comes under the authority of the Ministry of Research, as this profile of the organisation by Open Access Government discovers

Advocacy provocateur – a challenge and a call to advocates

Given the range of advocacy on offer, things have never looked better. However, Kate Mercer Training highlights three areas where improvements could be made

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