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Restoring biodiversity: Ecological value of hedgerows

Laura Arneson Horn, Owner of the Wild Bee Project considers the ecological value of hedgerows, crop pollination by diverse wild bees and restoring biodiversity
climate change monitoring, IPCC report

EU announces €55 million for climate change monitoring

As part of an ocean funding package of nearly €1 billion, the European Commission will fund €55 million into climate change monitoring over two years.
Auroral footprints

Understanding Jupiter’s Galilean moon and shimmering auroral footprints

Scientists discover clues about what causes Jupiter’s auroral footprints and shimmering lights in space.
studying in Japan, space exploration

Education equals innovation when studying in Japan

Open Access Government discuss Japan’s focus on supporting young researchers to help achieve the country’s scientific research and development goals when studying in Japan.
ocean sound transmission, acoustic hotspots

Climate change increases the speed of ocean sound transmission

Ocean sound transmission is being sped up due to global warming induced by climate change – threatening marine species as sounds travel faster and become louder.
global agrobiodiversity, processed foods

Declining global agrobiodiversity is harmful to health and food safety

Experts warn that an increasingly unhealthy diet is not only bad for humans, but also global agrobiodiversity – slowly damaging human health and the Earth.
quantum mechanics, neutrino motion

Rotating Lepton Model: Coupling relativity, quantum mechanics and neutrinos for the synthesis of matter

Professor Costas Vayenas and his coworkers Dionysios Tsousis and Dimitrios Grigoriou, discuss how using special relativity to study neutrino motion at fm distances leads to Bohr type models with relativistic gravity as the attractive force.
sustainable buildings, environment

Sustainable buildings

Borja Izaola, Project Manager from GBCe (Green Building Council España), tells us what we need to know about sustainable buildings.
economic security, AI

NIST: Advancing innovation for quality of life

The National Institute of Standards & Technology works to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology to enhance economic security and improve quality of life.
resilient environment, climate change

Cultivating a resilient environment with ground-breaking science

Professor Susan Waldron, Director of Research and Skills at the Natural Environment Research Council emphasises the importance of research and innovation in adapting to climate change.
Global food security

Global food security analysis – part 1

Curtis R Youngs  from Iowa State University, provides an analysis of global food security, in this the first part of a four-part series
Hawaiian coral,

61% of Hawaiian coral exposed to warming conditions, survive

In an optimistic 22-month study of Hawaiian coral, researchers find they may adapt well to warmer and more acidic oceans resulting from climate change.
the triassic, REEFCADE

The Triassic World: An analogue of the 6th mass extinction?

The REEFCADE long-term research project, created and driven by Professor Rossana Martini, started in 2007 and has since been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
mali elephant, humans and nature

The value of nature

Recognising the complex, closely intertwined relationships between humans and nature can lead to better, more cost-effective decisions, outlines Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project.
Organismal contributions

Organismal contributions to changing climate

Zachary Senwo, PhD Professor, explores how organismal contributions can be used in the search for climate change solutions
climate change justice

IPCC: Climate change policies are nothing without social justice

The new IPCC report describes the financial commitment of high carbon-emitting countries – but are climate change policies enough to support justice and stop the crisis?
ccu emissions, carbon capture

The reality of carbon capture utilisation technology 

Carbon capture technology is mostly marketed as a beneficial solution to the emission crisis, yet the technology in reality uses too much energy.

Biology: Helping nature fight back against mass extinction

Nigel Whittle FRSB – Head of Medical & Healthcare at Plextek, describes the importance of helping nature fight back against mass extinction
new type of star, white dwarf

Scientists find new type of star covered with carbon and oxygen

A group of astronomers from the University of La Plata and Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics found a new type of star - covered in the by-product of helium burning.
heat waves lowest-income

Lowest-income populations face 40% more exposure to heat waves

Rising global temperatures are creating imminent heat waves, which are set to impact poorer populations more substantially than wealthier ones.

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