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food shop, bacteria

British people waste one third of their food shop

The weekly food shop is a staple of British culture, but why is so much of it going to waste?
container farming

Can container farming help meet the rising demand for local food?

With the demand for local produce constantly rising due to environmental, economic and quality reasons, Johnathan Bulmer, MD at Cleveland Containers, has urged for more pick up on container farming.
future-proof, GODAN

World Food Day: “Future-proof our food systems”

Here, we have comment from Andre Laperrière from Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) on the importance of future-proofing the food system.
food waste

Food waste: How tech can eat away at our hefty problem

Jamie Crummie, co-founder of Too Good To Go discusses how technology could be the solution to food waste in the UK.
food system of the future

UK shoppers to have their say on the food system of the future

The government has launched a call for evidence, giving everyone from consumers, farmers and food producers, to scientists and academics, an opportunity to shape the food system of the future.
rethink our food system, food inequality

To tackle climate change we need to rethink our food system

Here, Kathleen Rogers and Dr. Shenggen Fan, discuss their opinion of what needs to change with our food system so humans can survive climate change.
ev charging

Does new EV charging technology mean new value for food businesses?

Here, Darcy Simonis, industry network leader for ABB’s food and beverage segment, explains why developments in EV charging can add value to food businesses.
global food security, global open data

Open Data in global food security, climate change and the agricultural crisis

André Laperrière, Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN), discusses global food security and what can be done to solve this ongoing, critical issue.
UK government welfare cuts, food poverty

UK government welfare cuts increase food poverty

UK government welfare cuts over the past decade have left families in England without enough food to eat, in a breach of the government’s duty to ensure adequate food.
cut food waste

£6 million government funding awarded under scheme to cut food waste

Environment Secretary Michael Gove invites organisations to apply for the second round of more than £6 million funding under government’s scheme to cut food waste.
cut food waste

Government awards £4 million to cut food waste

The government has awarded more than £4 million to four redistribution organisations across England to help overcome barriers to cut food waste.
handling food, food waste

How can we improve the efficiency of handling food to reduce food waste?

With up 90% of food wasted and lost before the product even reaches supermarket shelves Robin Travis, Managing Director at Renby Ltd explores how to improve the efficiency of handling food and erasing double handling.
food operators

2019 – The year food operators gain control of their food waste

Food operators have begun to warm up to new technology to help combat food waste; Here, Nick Hucker CEO, Preoday, looks at some of the key technologies that are driving the change.
food waste

Stop Food Waste Day: Brits throw away £494 million worth of food each week

Today is Stop Food Waste Day, and whilst cooking remains a favourite pastime in the UK, an average of £494 million worth of food is thrown away each week, reveals research from Gousto.
sustainable food production

Health, environment and economy: Sustainable food production at FoodParks

Håkan Sandin, Horticulturist at Swedish University of Agriculture explains sustainable food production and why the three areas of health, environment and economy are crucial in this vein.
eradicating hunger

Agriculture: Key to eradicating hunger and securing food

Cristina Cruz from FCiencias.Id explains why agriculture is the key to accomplishing the UN Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating hunger and securing food
ordering food

Technological advances in ordering food

According to CGA’s Go Technology report, 28% of British consumers are now ordering food online than a year ago.
excess heat, food production

Using excess heat to create a food production facility

SSEC-Swedish surplus energy collaboration explain in detail how excess heat from an urban district heating system creates a facility combining food production, therefore, providing local produce for greener cities.
changing world

How the food industry is adapting to meet the demand of a changing world

MPA Group run through some of the most recent innovations in the food industry, showing how businesses in the sector are adapting to keep up with the demand from a changing world.
food tractability

Blockchain: the future of food traceability?

Shan Zhan, global business manager at ABB’s food and beverage business, looks at how blockchain can be used to enhance food traceability.

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