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Bee pollinating flower

How bees can stabilise food supply and food prices

Yields of crops visited by insect pollinators like bees produce a more stable food supply and help stabilise food prices.
Computer message from ransomware hacker stating 'YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED'

Ransomware attacks threaten the NHS

Mark Warren discusses ransomware attacks and why the NHS is particularly vulnerable.
life expectancy

Has life expectancy slowed down in the UK?

Although life expectancy has doubled since 1841, predicted life span is now slowing down in the UK, and the coronavirus pandemic hasn't helped.
health systems, tourism

Better health systems: putting health at the heart of tourism

Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge & Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat explain the importance of putting health at the heart of tourism, including a commitment made in this vein by Europe’s smallest countries to better health systems.
Riceberry Rice

Emerging Riceberry Rice: Thailand first experience in developing rice for wellbeing

Professor Apichart Vanavichit, highlights the Thai attempt to develop rice that directly benefits well-being.
digital healthcare, nhs

Digital healthcare in the NHS expands with £150 million in government funding

Supporting social care, the government have invested £150 million over the next 3 years to enable digital healthcare transformation, ranging from virtual wards to vaccine records on phones.

How language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations

Joe Miller, Pocketalk General Manager of the Americas and Europe, explores how language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations & the solutions available.
Shellfish poisoning

Shellfish poisoning: A neurotoxic consequence of global warming

Jeremy MacMahon, Yi-Hua Tsai, and Pamela Lein from the Department of Molecular Biosciences, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, explore how shellfish poisoning is affecting human and animal health.
combat osteoperosis, Natural vibration therapy

Natural vibration therapy to combat osteoporosis

MyBones explores the potential Low-intensity Vibration therapy has as a natural alternative to prevent and combat osteoporosis.

PlanetWatch – An innovative solution to a global problem

Air pollution is the largest environmental risk factor for disease and premature death in the world explains PlanetWatch's Claudio Parrinello
synthetic data approach, machine learning

The synthetic data approach: The new unlimited data plan for AI models

Dayna Arnold, Project Manager at Zest Consult, discusses the benefits of using a synthetic data approach to machine learning as an innovative solution for increasing the availability, accuracy & security of more cost effective data.

UK Cannabis Industry – the next Scottish Whisky

Nick Morland, Tenacious Labs CEO, All-Party Parliamentary Group for CBD Products Secretariat, Jersey Cannabis Services Advisory Board Chair, writes about the UK Cannabis Industry – could this be the next Scottish Whisky?
human welfare

Technologies improve human welfare and solve global issues

Shu Wei Goh, Co-Founder of the global AI ecosystem builder and VC firm, Skymind, explores how technologies contribute to the improvement of human welfare & solving global issues.
sunburn & skin cancer

Part 3: Scientific sunburn & skin cancer

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd. continues her discussion on sunburn & skin cancer science.
UK Shared prosperity fund

Major winners & losers through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development, provides analysis on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, arguing that “the landscape is most definitely being tidied up after years of confusing approaches”.
resilience and efficiency

Selecting for resilience and efficiency: The solution for European cattle farming

Nicolas Friggens at the French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) discusses cattle farming resilience and efficiency with genomics in breeding programmes
biological control agents, soil & pest management

How to improve biological control agents for soil and pest management

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, explains the need for an integrated approach to improve adoption of biological control agents for soil and pest management.
gender equality in education, female incarceration rate

Female incarceration rates decrease with gender equality in education

Research finds that with greater gender equality in education there is a lower prison admission rate for females – but not males.
Soil Microbes

Could soil microbes be a solution to the climate crisis?

Research from Arpita Bose’s lab combines nature with the laboratory to innovate solutions to our global climate crisis Much of the focus on climate change mitigation lies in reducing anthropogenic emissions of carbon greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, CO2; methane, CH4), which continue to increase. An additional consideration is the...
Parkinson’s watch

NHS Parkinson’s watch to help manage care at home

A Parkinson's watch is being given to patients with the condition, in an effort to improve NHS remote monitoring.

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