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hospital estate

Decarbonising the NHS hospital estate – Towards net zero

Richard Spencer, Construction and Operation & Maintenance Director at E.ON, details decarbonising your hospital estate in the road towards net zero.
Figure : Joint European Torus (JET), credit UKAEA

Materials for fusion reactors: Containing a star on Earth

Experimental metallurgy research: Structural materials to withstand the extreme temperatures inside nuclear fusion reactors.
healthcare technology

Could heat research pave the way for net zero in the healthcare sector?

Pete Mills, Commercial Technical Operations Manager for Bosch Commercial & Industrial, outlines some of the latest heating technology that could pave the way for net zero in the healthcare sector.
green energy lead batteries

Cutting-edge research is taking lead batteries to the next level

Here, the Consortium for Battery Innovation argues that cutting-edge research is taking lead batteries to the next level.

We can’t protect our climate without ocean action

Steve Trent, CEO and Co-Founder of the Environmental Justice Foundation, argues that we can’t protect our climate without ocean action.
Root causes of amyloid-associated diseases

Why are the root causes of amyloid-associated diseases so misunderstood and treatments so inadequate?

The annual worldwide cost of treating amyloid-associated diseases is about a trillion dollars and increasing steadily. But the human toll is worse Amyloids are killing us, both literally and financially. Consider just these three: Amyloid β (Aβ) in Alzheimer’s Disease, α-Synuclein (α-Syn) in Parkinson’s Disease, and Amylin (aka IAPP) in...
Climate Leadership and the COP Process

Climate Leadership and the COP Process

For many countries in the South, climate leadership has become increasingly necessary by the day, as the effects of the climate crisis are happening too fast for the globally proposed 45% average reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030.
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI. Image processing: J. DePasquale (STScI).

Cosmic hourglass captured by the JWST reveals birth of a star

Observing an ethereal cosmic hourglass courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed the birth of a very young star or ‘protostar’.
Abstract molecule atom sctructure

Rydberg atoms and atomic engineering

F Barry Dunning, a professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Rice University, explores the atomic states within Rydberg atoms and their possibilities in atomic engineering.

The Pillars of Creation: a James Webb update

The stunningly high-resolution telescope has captured yet more pictures of our universe in unprecedented detail and beauty with its newest release showing us the ‘Pillars of Creation’.
Bridging the gap between academic research and industrial application in the perspective of industry 4.0

Bridging the gap between academic research and industrial application in the perspective of industry...

“Good is not good enough when better is expected”. A quote that may very well apply for Atul Singh (29) from India working tirelessly at his computer optimizing engineering designs for the better.
nhs ambulance in london

NHS green plans driving action

Dr Nick Watts, Chief Sustainability Officer of the NHS, reveals how the NHS green plans are driving action.
renewable energy

Approaching COP27: some questions for climate leadership

COP27 is an opportunity for climate leadership to begin the long-term transition to net-zero, but is this now possible? asks Richard Beardsworth, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds

Understanding scope 3: Why supporting suppliers to cut carbon is good for everyone

Guy Battle, CEO of Social Value Portal, explores how Scope 3 standards offer a new perspective and a clear path forward for those ready to take the next steps on their decarbonisation journey.
Bees collecting honey in honeycomb

Healing benefits of honey offers alternative to antimicrobial drugs

According to researchers, the healing benefits of honey are so promising that the sweet substance may replace antimicrobial drugs.
St Thomas Hospital Emergency Department NHS

How heat pump technology can help to decarbonise the NHS

Jason Speedy, chief operations officer at leading heating solutions manufacturer Groupe Atlantic, outlines the importance of decarbonising the NHS, and how heat pump technology can support its net zero journey.
Boeing goes sustainable

What Boeing’s new research center means for sustainable aviation

The future is green, and Boeing is hopping on board. In this article, we’ll explore Boeing’s new research initiative and how the company plans to address sustainability in the aviation sector.
Reduce CO2 emissions to limit climate change and global warming. Low greenhouse gas levels, decarbonize, net zero carbon dioxide

How to save energy costs in a net zero world

Looking at large energy consumers, Martin Kenzie, Sales Manager at 2G Energy Ltd, analyses how to save energy costs when transitioning to a net zero world.
Peak District views

Net zero transport for tourists in the Peak District

The trial for ‘PEAK Express’, a hydrogen-powered net zero transport option for tourists travelling to the Peak District in the UK, has commenced.
geothermal plants

Geothermal energy in the clean energy transition

Aarthi JanakiRaman & Shrinivas Tukdeo from TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, tell us what we need to know about geothermal energy and its role in the clean energy transition.

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