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Blockchain technology for the public good: Design constraints in a human rights context

Tomaso Aste and Geoff Goodell from University College London’s Centre for Blockchain Technologies share their views on why blockchain technology is for the public good and about the fundamental design constraints and digital identity protocols in a human rights context
Agricultural Policy

The future of the common agricultural policy (CAP)

Commissioner Phil Hogan shared his views on the future of the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) during a speech he recently made at the Berlin Green Week to the political leaders of Germany’s farmers

CCS answers

How CCS can help to eliminate CO2 emissions through the storage of carbon dioxide
Crypto Valley

Switzerland, blockchain’s spiritual home

The Crypto Valley Association’s Tom Lyons argues that along with its competitive advantages, decentralised culture and democratic tradition have made Switzerland an epicentre of the blockchain revolution Few places in the world are more idyllic than the Swiss city of Zug. Situated on a pristine alpine lake, snow-capped peaks in...

The role of the bioeconomy in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan recently revealed his thoughts on the role of a well-functioning bioeconomy in Europe, during a speech at Bio-based Industries Joint Stakeholder Forum At the Juncker Commission, we are convinced that a well-functioning bioeconomy can provide solutions to many of the challenges facing the EU, particularly in relation...

A fusion future

Laban Coblentz, Head of Communication, ITER gives an absorbing insight into all things fusion and the future of fusion energy
transport in Denmark

Priorities for rail transport in Denmark

Ove Holm, from the Danish Transport and Logistics Association (DTL) reveals his opinion on the challenges around rail transport in Denmark, including ERTMS
European health

Making it happen: Addressing the implementation gap in European health policy and practice

Dr Usman Khan, Executive Director of the European Health Management Association tells us his thoughts on public health in the European space
promoting science

Promoting Science: Step-by-step is a step in the right direction

Gustavo Carvalho and Emanuel Matias from the Youth Science Association’s (AJC) discuss the importance of promoting science amongst young people in Portugal
prevention and control

Effective prevention and control of infectious diseases

David Partridge from the British Infection Association provides a comprehensive overview of effective infection prevention and control in the UK today
economic development

Time to support ‘non-statutory’ economic development practitioners

The Institute of Economic Development (IED) puts forward the case for supporting economic development practitioners in local government
European Union

The European Union: Challenges or lost opportunities

Kieran McCarthy, a member of the European Committee of the Regions, looks at the European Union and the positive activities that we should focus on

Why you can’t brand a university

Ian Allison, Strategic Creative Director, Instinctif Partners talks about creating an effective university brand and how traditional methods have changed

Fighting food insecurity through global cooperation

Eradicating food insecurity remains a global challenge. In a speech, EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan highlights why working in partnership is vital The goal of eradicating global hunger has never been as high on the international policy agenda as it is today. This fact is to be welcomed, because there is...

Measuring the success of digital services in local government

John McMahon, Product Director at IEG4 talks about the transformation of public sector digital services and explains the Digital Offset Effect

Meeting sustainable development goals must be a priority

European Economic and Social Committee’s Luca Jahier calls for the EU to become a world leader when it comes to meeting sustainable development goals
protecting nature

Protecting nature: an ambitious action plan

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries details how protecting nature, people and the economy is a priority in Europe

Tackling chronic diseases through innovative health

John Bowis, Honorary President of Health First Europe highlights how innovations in health are helping with tackling chronic diseases

Swedish district heating: Reducing the nation’s CO2 emissions

Annika Johannesson, Communications Manager, Swedenergy explores how the Swedish district heating network is helping to lower emissions
Accreditation provides certainty in uncertain times

Accreditation provides certainty in uncertain times

Malcolm Hynd, External Affairs Manager, UKAS, considers how accreditation will assume greater significance for trade after the UK withdraws from the EU

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