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Asia Analysis

Asia Analysis – April 2019

In this first-ever Asia Analysis edition, we hear from Masanori Osum, Philippe de Taxis du Poët about the current EU-Japan trade investment and Nai-Chi Hsiao on new earthquake alert technology, along with more Asia industry insights.
eradicating hunger

Agriculture: Key to eradicating hunger and securing food

Cristina Cruz from FCiencias.Id explains why agriculture is the key to accomplishing the UN Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating hunger and securing food
freshwater resource problems, sustainable watershed management

Understanding freshwater resource problems

Experts from Stroud Water Research Center and Kansas State University highlight the importance of addressing today’s freshwater resource problems and how to achieve sustainable watershed management.
wildlife migrations, east africa, threat to wildlife

Wildlife migrations are collapsing in East Africa

In Kenya, wildlife numbers declined by 68% in the 40-year period from 1977 to 2016 both outside and inside protected areas, writes Dr. Joseph Ogutu, Senior Statistician at the University of Hohenheim.
online safety laws

UK introduces worlds first online safety laws

Social media companies and tech firms will be legally required to protect their users and face tough penalties if they do not comply with the new online safety laws.
pig farming

Smart Agri-Systems: A resilient future for pig farming

Research at the University of Leeds provides innovative, systems-based solutions to help the UK pig farming industry navigate future challenges to resilience.
Tackling tuberculosis

Tackling tuberculosis (TB) in Africa

While Africa has made progress in tackling tuberculosis (TB), it still has one of the highest TB rates in the world and remains a priority.
global governance, ocean pollution

The return of global governance: This time it comes with many faces

The ocean’s pollution with plastics has stirred multiple promising responses across the globe: Are we on the verge of a new type of global governance? Prof Dr Raimund Bleischwitz explains how such governance may look and what is still missing.
Common Agricultural Policy

The future of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan details what the future has in store for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe, in an address to Plenary session of the EESC: “Future of CAP” on 20th February 2019.
inclusive economies

New and green and fair? Feeling our way towards greener and more inclusive economies

Steven Stone, Chief, Resources and Markets Branch, UN Environment asks if we are making progress towards greener and more inclusive economies.
online mental health treatment, big white wall, white paper online harms

What is the future of online mental health treatment?

Henry Jones spoke to Nishat from Open Access Government about mental health platform Big White Wall (BWW), in light of expected UK Government White Paper on Online Harms.
environmental risk to health

Air pollution: A major environmental risk to health

In this in-depth question and answer interview with Charles Ndika Akong, Technical Officer and Dr Magaran Bagayoko, Senior Scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), we find out why air pollution is a major environmental risk to health.

Kitack Lim

Kitack Lim Secretary-General International Maritime Organization (IMO) Sustainable shipping into the next decade
Aviation in Europe

A focus on European Commission policy: Aviation in Europe

Violeta Bulc is European Commissioner for Transport and this article focuses on an aspect of her role that concerns aviation in Europe, as Jonathan Miles, Editor of Open Access Government discovers.
Alzheimer's disease research

Supporting vital Alzheimer’s disease research in the U.S and beyond

The work of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) is placed into focus here, with examples of how they are supporting vital Alzheimer’s disease research in the U.S and further afield.
taking action

Canada: Reducing emissions and taking action on climate change

Patricia Fuller, Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change, explains how Canada is taking action to reduce emissions and tackle climate change.
healthier oceans

For healthier oceans and seas, we need a good dialogue between policy and science

Monika Stankiewicz, HELCOM Executive Secretary argues that for healthier oceans and seas, we need a good dialogue between policy and science.
energy infrastructure, climate neutrality

Investing in energy infrastructure and moving towards climate neutrality

Two key priorities of Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President, Energy Union at European Commission are detailed here, including investing in energy infrastructure and moving towards climate neutrality.
diversified waste treatment

The environment: Diversified waste treatment in Taiwan

The Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan) charts their efforts when it comes to diversified waste treatment.
essential global resource, WHO regional office for Africa

Water: The essential global resource

Mr. Mbayo Guy Kakumbi, Technical Officer and Dr Bagayoko Magaran, Senior Scientist from The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa reveal their stance on the essential global resource of water.

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