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Natural colours from cellulose

Silvia Vignolini, Reader in Chemistry and Biomaterials at University of Cambridge explores the wonderful world of colour and how it affects our perception and mood Colour is a powerful communication tool, it deeply affects our perception of the world, stimulating our senses. It is not by chance that since the...

The challenge of replacing hazardous substances

Alberto Mantovani and Francesca Baldi from the Endocrine Disruptors Project-Istituto Superiore di Sanita shed light on the challenge of substituting hazardous chemicals What happens when a substance is suspected or found guilty of adverse effect on human health or the environment? Removing a toxic chemical from a product’s ingredients is...
University of Strathclyde

The Long Arm of Heterocyclic Chemistry

Professor Colin Suckling of Strathclyde University discusses advancements with Heterocyclic Chemistry and the progress towards new medicines. Earlier in January I attended a conference at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh, famous for Dolly the Sheep. Unlike that high profile product of scientific invention and technological virtuosity the subject was on...

EUFAR – Looking to the future of airborne environmental research in Europe

Philip R.A. Brown from EUFAR AISBL at the UK’s Met Office takes us on a journey to explore the exciting future of airborne environmental research in Europe today Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to observe the atmosphere and land and ocean surfaces in support of a...

Nanomaterials in the semiconductor industry: An end-user industrial perspective

Dr. Dimiter Prodanov from Imec gives an end-user industrial perspective on the vital role of nanomaterials in today’s semiconductor industry and their safe use Nanomaterials are broadly defined as those materials that have a certain percentage of particles at the nanoscale, between 1 and 100 nanometres1. While the size cut-off...

Technology interventions to address dyspnoea: Point-of-care lung ultrasonography

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group highlights technology interventions that address dyspnoea – focussing on point-of-care lung ultrasonography The Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine (Schwartzstein and Adams, 2016), etymologically defines dyspnoea from the Greek dys (painful, difficult) and pneuma (breath). Clinically, dyspnoea constitutes a medical...
Smart City Strategies

Smart city strategies from around the world

Rushi Rama from Future Cities Catapult gives a fascinating overview of smart city strategies from around the world The use of technology is changing everyday life for people in cities and how the city is evolving to meet their needs. This is nothing new, we only need to see how...

Decisions around a changing climate

Director of the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Prof Dr Daniela Jacob outlines the fundamentals of climate change and what it could look like in the future A lack of accessible, policy-relevant and targeted information on the climate and potential future climate change remains prevalent in many regions of the...
Infrastructure Finance

Public, private, or a mix? How to best finance infrastructure

The UK must improve the way it decides between infrastructure finance options if it wants to pick the best value finance options, argues Graham Atkins from the Institute for Government The UK government is planning for £242 billion of public and private infrastructure investment between 2016/17 and 2020/21 (see fig....

Novel approaches and challenges in the extrapolation of chemical effects across biological levels

Dr. Roel Evens, scientific project manager from SETAC Europe explores novel approaches and challenges concerning the extrapolation of chemical effects across biological levels One of the biggest challenges in the ecological risk assessment of chemicals like pesticides, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, personal and home care products and biocides is to extrapolate...
Cereal Species

New markets for traditional cereal varieties

Bernadette Oehen and Martina Eiseltová from shares their thoughts on new markets for traditional cereal varieties The diversity of cultivated cereal species and varieties has been severely reduced over the past 50 years. Even though there are regional differences, common wheat, grain maize and barley are the most common...

CCS answers

How CCS can help to eliminate CO2 emissions through the storage of carbon dioxide
Concrete barricades

A new frontline against terrorism

Jaz Vilkhu, Managing Director of Landscape Protection argues that urban planners must consider a holistic approach to protection against terrorists
ageing research

Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing (PANINI)

Prof. Anna C. Whittaker from University of Birmingham’s School of Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences looks at the need for ageing research in Europe Current demographic trends indicate that by the year 2020, almost 1 in 5 of the European population will be aged 65 years or over. Although life...

Can leisure centres hold the key to success for rehabilitation?

Ellen Rowles from Action PR highlights how local community leisure centres play a key role in rehabilitation and ease the burden on GPs A growing amount of evidence has shown that the average workload for GPs has increased 16% over the past seven years resulting in GPs resigning at a...

Why public sector organisations must ‘Break the Boundaries’ in 2018

Georgina O’Toole, Chief Analyst at TechMarketView, explains why, in a digital environment, public sector organisations cannot afford to be insular TechMarketView’s recently published analysis of the UK public sector ICT market revealed a picture that can be viewed in the context of ‘micro’ trends and ‘macro’ trends. In our view, the...
workplace mental health

Good management is essential for positive mental health in the workplace

Mental Health Europe’s Director Maria Nyman shares insights on how to promote a positive work environment to improve workplace mental health The benefits of promoting positive workplace mental health, as well as the existing psychosocial risks linked to work and employment, are widely acknowledged. Most of us will also know...
mining activities

Former mining activities could affect a third of residential properties

Data suggests that one third of properties in England and Wales are located within close proximity of historic mining activities Landmark Information's assessment of historical mining records found that in 95 of the 385 local authority areas, over 50% of residential properties were located within close proximity of former mining...

€5m in prizes for social innovators using Blockchains to develop decentralised solutions

€5 million in prizes will be awarded to innovators that use Blockchain technology for social good The European Commission has launched a new Horizon 2020 Prize which will award innovators for using Blockchain technology to develop decentralised solutions bringing about positive social change. This European Innovation Council Horizon Price rewards the...
digital risk

Is cyber security your biggest digital risk?

Patrick Arben, partner at Gowling WLG reveals his thoughts on the ever-prevalent issue of cyber security Cybersecurity is certainly a digital risk that is ‘of the moment’ as recent headline attacks have helped to highlight the issue and bring it to the fore. Indeed, the rapid onset of the digital...

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